Press Release
Firearm Conviction, Arrest RecordSend Wichita Man To Federal Prison For 10 Years
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Kansas
WICHITA, KAN. - A federal judge in Wichita cited a defendant’s long criminal record in sentencing him Monday to 10 years in prison on a firearm violation, U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom said.
Thomas Lee Wohlford, 32, Wichita, Kan., pleaded guilty to one count of unlawful possession of a firearm following felony convictions.
U.S. District Court Judge Monti L. Belot said in court records that Wohlford “has been involved in the criminal justice system on a more or less continuous basis since age 15,” and “has no respect for the law.”
In his plea, Wohlford admitted he was arrested Feb. 11, 2014, at a Quick Trip at 1610 E. Lincoln. Police were called to the scene by a man whose car had been stolen. The man told police he had spotted Wohlford putting gas in the stolen vehicle. Police arrested Wohlford and seized a .22 caliber handgun from the car.
Updated December 15, 2014