Louisiana U.S. Attorneys Announce Grant Awards Totaling Almost $29 Million To Support State And Local Law Enforcement
BATON ROUGE, LA – United States Attorneys Walt Green of the Middle District of Louisiana, Stephanie Finley of the Western District of Louisiana, and Kenneth Polite of the Eastern District of Louisiana jointly announced today that the U.S. Department of Justice has awarded almost $29 million to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement (LCLC), which is approximately three times the amount of the previous year’s awards.
LCLE is a state agency whose mission is to promote public safety by providing progressive leadership and coordination within the criminal justice community and to continue to improve the operations of the criminal justice community. U.S. Department of Justice awards, such as those being announced today, advance the LCLE’s mission by supporting the development, coordination, and implementation of broad system-wide programs, and by assisting in the improvement of the state’s criminal justice community through the funding of innovative, essential and needed initiatives at the state and local level.
U.S. Attorney Green stated: "We are extremely pleased to announce our increased support and partnership with LCLE, one of our most important state-wide law enforcement partners. Chairman Sid Gautreaux and the other LCLE members have worked seamlessly with my office and other components of the U.S. Department of Justice in the pursuit of justice and security for everyone in this state. Today’s announcement reflects our deep commitment to assist, support, and enhance state and local law enforcement efforts in Louisiana through the LCLE. These awards strengthen our unity and our collective efforts against crime.”
U.S. Attorney Finley stated: “This increase in funding to the LCLE shows the Justice Department’s commitment to this program. We are eager to continue working with the LCLE and look forward to an increased partnership in the coming year. These funds will allow the LCLE to provide training and technical assistance to law enforcement statewide and to implement programs that will further its mission to improve the criminal justice system. I think that this is a major step in support of law enforcement that will benefit our communities statewide.”
U.S. Attorney Polite stated: “These vital awards will help fight crime and build safer communities across our state. We look forward to our continued work with LCLE in pursuing justice for all Louisiana residents.”
East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff Sid Gautreaux, who serves as the LCLE Chairman, stated: “I am extremely proud that we have been able to secure this additional funding that will enhance and strengthen what is already a strong partnership focused on making our community safer. With the increased grant money we will be able to commit more personnel and resources through our local, state and federal partners in order to continue to combat drugs, illegal weapons and overall crime. Since taking office I have been committed to a level of unprecedented collaboration with our partners that only gets better with each year.”