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Multi-Victim Cases

Multi-Victim Cases

Case NameFamiliar Names & TermsOverview
U.S. vs. Alton MintonFraudThe defendant defrauded investors of "YachtOne, Inc"
U.S. vs. Bart Posey, et al.FraudThe defendants devised an insurance fraud scam in which they advertised and marketed various "healthcare plans" that were bogus.
U.S. vs. Brian Whitfield, et al.FraudThe defendants, under the business name Sommet, defrauded clients and others by failing to distribute funds appropriately.
U.S. vs. Richard OliveFraudThe defendant, under National Foundation of America (NFOA), devised a scheme to defraud annuitants and others, and to obtain money or property by means of materially false representations.
U.S. vs. Ricky Lee ColemanFraud & ID TheftThe defendant, former owner and manager of International Executive Services, LCC, Advancement Solutions LLC, and RLC Enterprises LLC, was charged for defrauding individuals seeking employment, training, and job placement by means of materially false representations.
U.S. vs. Sheila Kennedy, et al.FraudThe defendants, under Ask, LLC , defrauded investors.
U.S. vs. Timothy Thomas, et al.FraudTimothy Thomas and Kennan Thomas were indicted October 26, 2014 on charges related to the operation of United Benefits of America, LLC, a telemarketing company that sold health benefits on behalf of various companies.
Conti RansomwareCybercrimeThe defendants conspired to develop, administer, and deploy malicious software on hundreds of victims’ computer systems.
U.S. vs. Gabryele WatsonCyberstalking & Transmission of Threats to Kidnap or InjureThe defendant held herself out as a pregnant teenager seeking to give her unborn baby up for adoption. She also posed as the unborn baby's father and a relative of the pregnant teenager. 
U.S. vs. Philip SobashSexual Exploitation of a Minor, Coercing and Enticing a Minor to Engage in Unlawful Sexual Activity, and Receipt of Child PornographyThe defendant enticed a minor teenager, whom he met on “sugar daddy” dating website Seeking Arrangement, to produce child sexual abuse material.  He paid her and sent her gifts in exchange for the production and transmission of these sexually explicit images, which he then disseminated.  



If you have any questions, please contact:

John Hernandez
Victim Assistance Specialist
United States Attorney’s Office
Middle District of Tennessee
719 Church Street, Suite 3300
Nashville, TN 37203

Updated December 13, 2024