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Circles and Silence

Circles and Silence

Nominated for five Emmy Awards, Circles and Silence is a remarkable sixteen minute film narrated by a diverse group of young adults whose personal true-life stories are mirror images of topics that impact every person who watches the film: Opioids. Addiction. Treatment. Recovery. Life.

As we follow Jessica, Mirasia, Meko, Shannon, Megan, Andrade and Anna Bess on their individual life journeys, we learn that no two person’s Circle of life is the same. Except that we must not sit in Silence.

United States Attorney Zachary A. Cunha video screen capture


A message from United States Attorney Zachary A. Cunha

Runtime: 2:06

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Watch the Trailers

Circles and Silence: The User

Runtime: 0:60

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Circles and Silence: The Dealer

Runtime: 0:60

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The Family


Circles and Silence: The Family

Runtime: 0:30

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Meet the Cast

Schedule a Presentation 

The United States Attorney's Community Outreach Office is available to provide the Circles and Silence program to all Rhode Island schools and students grades 7-12, colleges, and to community and not-for-profit organizations at no cost. To learn more about the Circles and Silence Program or to schedule a presentation contact Community Engagement & Crime Prevention Coordinator David Neill at (401) 709-5035 or at


Many resources are available for those coping with substance abuse disorder, and for those who love and support them. Please click the link below. Help is on the way. 

Addiction Resources