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Law Clerks Pre-Employment Security Checklist

Checklist Of Required Forms:

  • SF-85P - Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions


  • SF 85PS - Supplemental Questionnaire for Selected Positions
    • You have been registered in the on-line security system called E-Qip. You have been sent an e-mail from the Human Resources Office with the E-Qip web site address and answers to 3 "Golden Questions". You should retain that e-mail and refer to it when accessing the E-Qip web site. Initially, please review the "Quick Reference Guide for the Applicant" and the "Frequently Asked Questions about E-Qip". You may need to set up your personal computer as shown in the Web Browser Requirements and Getting Started sections of the "Quick Reference Guide" before completing the form on-line.
    • Carefully follow the on-screen instructions and remember the information you provide will be used by investigators to conduct your background investigation. All blocks must be completely filled out with accurate and up-to-date names/dates/addresses/telephone numbers. Please follow instructions to print out signature pages, sign, and date the form.
    • Hint: It will be helpful to print out a copy of the SF-85P and complete it in hard copy before sitting down at the computer and completing it online.
      Quick Reference Guide for the Applicant
      Frequently Asked Questions about E-Qip


  • Copy of Birth Certificate and/or Passport


  • OF-306 - Declaration of Federal Employment
    • Complete blocks 1 through 16a, sign and date the form.



  • Dual Citizenship/Loyalty Statement - Applicant certifies s/he is a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country. Submit the above and submit one copy of the following, if applicable:
    • Letter of explanation stating why the applicant feels s/he is a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country



  • OFI-36 - Additional Information
    • Complete this form, regardless of citizenship status, for (1) cohabitant; and (2)any foreign-born relatives, foreign-born spouse.


  • SF-87A- Fingerprint Cards
    • Fingerprint cards will be mailed to you. You can be fingerprinted at any local law enforcement agency.
    • Cards should be signed in the presence of the person fingerprinting you.


  • DOJ-555 - Disclosure and Authorization Pertaining to Consumer Reports Pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act
    • Review, sign and date the form.




  • Student Volunter Agreement
    • Complete form entirely and include the name of the college and designated representative's name. Form needs to have college representative's signature/date on the first page and your signature/date on the second page.


  • Derogatory Information - i.e., bankruptcy, indebtedness, arrests, income tax issues, drug use, etc. If you answered Yes to questions #22 (a) or #22(b) on the SF-85P, or answered Yes to questions #3, #4, or #5 on the SF 85PS, you must:
    • Provide a signed & dated letter of explanation addressing each derogatory issue.
    • Provide supporting documents, e.g., canceled payment checks, letter from creditor, court disposition, etc.



Please Federal Express or hand deliver forms to the following address:

United States Attorney's Office
Attention: Human Resources
Southern District of Iowa

Neal Smith Federal Building 
210 Walnut Street, Suite 455
Des Moines, Iowa 50309

For additional information, please contact Human Resources at 515-473-9300

Updated January 22, 2025