Prior Owners of SUlly's Pub, West Des Moines, Sentenced on Tax Fraud Charges
DES MOINES, IA - On April 12, 2017, James Perin, age 66, and Mardeen Perin, age 63, of West Des Moines, Iowa, appeared before Chief United States Judge James A. Jarvey and were sentenced to tax fraud charges arising out of their operation of Sully's Pub in 2013, announced Kevin E. VanderSchel. The Perins admitted to failing to report cash earned through the business that was then deposited into personal bank accounts without being reported on either business or personal tax returns.
The conduct involved tax years from 2008 to 2013, and resulted in a tax loss of $108,375. Mardeen Perin was sentenced on her guilty plea to aiding and assisting the preparation of a false return. James Perin was sentenced on his guilty plea to making and subscribing a false return. Both defendants were sentenced to a three years of probation and required to pay all due and owing taxes, penalties, and interest.
The investigation was conducted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - Criminal Investigation. This case was prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Iowa.
Learn more about this release by calling Rachel J. Scherle at 515-473-9300, or by emailing her at