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Press Release

Goodwin Encourages West Virginians To Participate In Upcoming Prescription Drug Take-back Event

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of West Virginia

National Rx Take Back Day Scheduled for September 27, 10a.m. to 2p.m.

Charleston, W.Va. – U. S. Attorney Booth Goodwin and U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Resident Agent in Charge Suzan Williamson today encouraged West Virginians to continue their support for the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative which has removed over 14 tons of prescription drugs from homes throughout West Virginia and more than 2,100 tons of pills nationwide as a result of eight such events to date.  The ninth National Prescription Drug Take-Back event is scheduled for this Saturday, September 27th from 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. at various locations throughout the state. 

Medicines that languish in home medicine cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse.  “Great strides have been made in reducing the supply of illegal prescription drugs on streets throughout West Virginia.  One of the big reasons why supplies have dropped is because West Virginians have come together for each of the previous eight take-back events to properly dispose of their unneeded medications, ultimately keeping them out of the wrong hands.”

Resident Agent in Charge Williamson commended all of the federal, state and local partners in West Virginia for their assistance. Noting that there are over 120 collection sites participating in Saturday’s event, Williamson stated, “It is the assistance of all of our law enforcement partners that continues to make Prescription Drug Take-Back events so successful in West Virginia.”

The Prescription Drug Take-Back initiative is coordinated by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.  For a full list of take back locations offered on Saturday, September 27th,, go to  Drop-offs are accepted with no questions asked.

Updated January 7, 2015