Contact Us
Thank you for visiting the Western District of Michigan website.
On this page, you can view the contact information for the office by telephone, by postal mail, or you can contact the webmaster.
Click here to visit the Civil Rights Hotline
Click here to visit the Election Concern Hotline
Click the links below for online maps to the offices of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan.
Grand Rapids Office Location
By Telephone
Grand Rapids Office:
Main Phone: (616) 456-2404
Fax Line: (616) 456-2408
Marquette Office:
Main Phone: (906) 226-2500
Fax Line: (906) 226-3700
Correspondence to the Western District of Michigan, including the U.S. Attorney, may be sent to:
Grand Rapids Office:
United States Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 208
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0208
Marquette Office:
United States Attorney's Office
Huntington Bank Building, 2nd Floor
1930 US 41 West
Marquette, MI 49855
Media and Community Engagement Contact:
Tiffany Brown
To receive press releases from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan, email to be added to the media list.
The webmaster for the United States Attorney's Internet website is only authorized to respond to electronic messages raising issues or questions about the site. Pursuant to office policy, if you wish to bring a substantive issue to the attention of the United States Attorney, it should be done in the form of traditional correspondence sent to our mailing address shown above.
To comment on the Western District of Michigan website, please e-mail