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Blog Post

ICITAP Celebrates 39 Years of Supporting U.S. National Security in Building Partnerships Around the Globe

On January 6, ICITAP observed its 39-year anniversary. Since January 6, 1986, ICITAP has strengthened our national security by advancing U.S. law enforcement operations abroad through training, mentoring, and technical assistance in 117 countries worldwide (see ICITAP map for current presence).  As a result of the United States Congress passing legislation in 1985 to expand a waiver to Section 660 to include “programs to enhance investigative capabilities conducted under judicial or prosecutorial control,” Section 534(b)(3) of the Foreign Assistance Act specifically authorized the establishment of the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) to “provide training to foreign law enforcement entities.”  In 1986, ICITAP was funded at $1.52 million for its first year – and was located in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General – to help gain prosecution in key human rights cases in El Salvador and to bolster the criminal investigative capacity of Latin American security forces. Click here for ICITAP’s historical milestones since 1986.  Since 1993, ICITAP has been a member of the Criminal Division family and has expanded its areas of expertise to include: Academy and Instructor Development; Artificial Intelligence; Basic Police Services; Community Policing / Engagement; Corrections / Prison Management / Intel; Countering Violent Extremism; Counterterrorism; Counter-trafficking; Counter-transnational criminal organizations; Criminal Investigations; Criminal Justice Coordination; Cyber and Intellectual Property Crime; Digital Evidence; Emergency Communications; Forensics / Accreditation / Lab Management; Information Systems; Marine and Border Security; Organizational Development; Public Affairs / Strategic Communications; Public Integrity and Anticorruption; and Specialized and Tactical Skills; and Women in Policing. In FY24, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Agency for International Development, ICITAP delivered 871 distinct training events to 24,963 foreign participants and carried out 278 USG partnership activities with 40 USG partners. See FY24 At a Glance Fact Sheet. ICITAP The U.S. Department of Justice is extremely grateful to the more than 425 women and men, who serve to help protect the U.S. national security through ICITAP law enforcement capacity-building missions across the world. 

Updated January 20, 2025