Blog Post
Albania: ICITAP Joins Minister of Interior and General Director for Albanian State Police in Recognizing Police Officers for Acts of Bravery and Meritorious Public Service
On November 1, at the invitation of the General Director of the Albanian State Police (ASP), ICITAP-Albania joined host-national and international dignitaries in support of the 2023 ASP annual award ceremony held at Albanian Department of Neutralization of Armed Elements (RENEA) Special Forces Compound. The ceremony celebrated ASP Police Officers acts of heroism, bravery, and meritorious public service; and recognized the safe and secure culmination of the 2023, Tourist Season. During 2023, more than 10 million tourists safely visited Albania, without one incident of violence or an assault reported on a foreigner. The award ceremony was hosted by the General Director of the ASP. Dignitaries included: Deputies of the Commission for National Security, representatives of the institutions with which the State Police cooperates, as well as representatives from Embassies and Police Liaison Officers attached to Albania. The U.S. Embassy in Tirana was represented by the Regional Security Officer and the ICITAP-Albania Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché. The Minister of Interior (MOI) served as the ceremony officiant and delivered the keynote address and presented medals to police officers in recognition for their acts of bravery, heroism, and exceptional meritorious public service. Several officers were recognized for actions and service involved in the successful outcomes of significant police operations in the fight against drug trafficking; prevention of youth drug use; as well as successful operations, prosecutions, and convictions in the fight against organized crime and positive results for the “self-cleaning” of the police against corruption. The MOI acknowledged ASP leadership and entire police force for a successful and safe closure to the 2023 tourist season. The MOI and ASP General Director recognized the international law enforcement community for their steadfast partnerships and assistance. ICITAP’s and the ASP enduring partnership dates to 1998 and is recognized as a keystone in Albania justice reform efforts and path to EU accession.;
Updated January 20, 2025