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Blog Post

Bangladesh: ICITAP Provides Strategic Communications Support to U.S. Embassy Leadership Following July 8th Narayanganj Industrial Fire

On July 15, the ICITAP-Bangladesh mission provided an update on its assistance to the U.S. Embassy. In response to the July 8 tragedy, which occurred in Narayanganj where over 50 juice factory workers were killed in a fire, which consumed their six-story building, the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission provided a detailed briefing for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on July 12, 2021. To provide further clarity and specific Industrial Police expertise for this multi-faceted subject matter, the U.S. Ambassador requested the support of ICITAP-Bangladesh management and their strategic communications resources. ICITAP’s Strategic Communications team supported this effort by providing over 60 pages of recent news articles and social media postings covering details of the tragedy, subsequent arrests, and ongoing police investigations. Additionally, at the request of the Ambassador, ICITAP Attaché Stephen Lettic attended the briefing to provide direct support and field questions. U.S. Embassy management expressed appreciation for ICITAP’s professionalism, ongoing efforts, and the level of information provided before this important briefing.

Updated January 20, 2025