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Blog Post

Indonesia: ICITAP Helps National Police Advance Toward E-Procurement Data System

On July 2, ICITAP-Indonesia’s Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché attended a donation ceremony for the Indonesian National Police (INP) Procurement Bureau. The ceremony was presided over by the Inspector General, who is the two-star commanding officer of the INP Logistics Division and was also attended by members of his senior command team. The donated equipment consisted of devices to support the digitalization of the procurement system within the INP and included computers, printers, scanners, and a server, in addition to several other pieces of equipment. The donation will assist the Procurement Bureau in improving their ability to conduct the procurement processes and support the development of an electronic procurement data system. In Indonesia, ICITAP works with the support of and in coordination with the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

Updated January 20, 2025