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Blog Post

Indonesia: ICITAP’s Community Oriented Policing/Countering Violent Extremism Project and Indonesian National Police Detachment 88 Unit Deliver CVE Training

On February 29, the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)/Community Oriented Policing (COP) Project, in cooperation with the Indonesian National Police (INP) Densus 88 Unit, delivered the Four Pillars training program, a CVE initiative, in Tasikmalaya City.  The event provided baseline training and discussions regarding the progression from intolerance to radicalization and how the radicalized violent ideology communities and individuals become the targets of recruitment of violent extremist organizations.  A second goal of the program was to discuss and promote a holistic government approach from the four stakeholder groups invited to the program.  The event also included a compelling presentation from a former Indonesian police officer who became radicalized and ultimately joined a terrorist organization before being arrested in 2010. The former terrorist provided essential and practical insight and wisdom regarding his journey. The event was attended by 400 members of the Four Pillars stakeholder groups, including 150 members of the INP Community Police Division. The attendee's active participation in discussions held during the events and post-event feedback confirmed that the events were very well received and appreciated by the attendees.

Updated January 20, 2025