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Blog Post

Kenya: ICITAP-Supported All-Female SWAT Team Receives Advanced Firearms Training Ahead of Elite Tactical Competition

From August 6 to August 7, the Kenyan All-Female SWAT team received an advanced firearms training in preparation for their participation at King Abdullah’s Special Operations Training Centre’s (KASOTC) annual Warrior Competition. The Warrior Competition in Jordan will test the skills of the most elite tactical teams around the globe, AFSWAT’s participation marks the first time ever a female team has been admitted to participate. Sponsored by the Women In Security (WIS) project and endorsed by the new Administration Police Service’s (APS) Deputy Inspector General, AFSWAT kicked off preparations at the Border Police Training Campus (BPTC). The first two days of training consisted of an advanced pistol shooting paired with a strenuous physical activity assessment. The two days were designed to test the team’s baseline on these two key elements and, in this way, enable the training team to adjust the training plan as needed. The pistol marksmanship assessment involved precision shootings at fixed distances and a speed and accuracy test, timing participants to obtain the teams’ baseline status. The physical assessment integrated a two-mile hike with 20kg packs and calisthenic exercises, which jointly tested officers’ physical and mental strength. The team will remain at BPTC for two weeks to continue with the demanding training schedule. 

Updated January 20, 2025