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Blog Post

Mali: ICITAP Partners with European Union to Strengthen Human Resource Management

On October 29, 2021, the ICITAP-Mali Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché (LEAA) attended a graduation of Mali National Police (NP) Officers trained on the Human Resource Management System (HRMS), which was installed and made operational by ICITAP IT experts from Albania and Mali.  This graduation was the culmination of a week-long exercise on the proper administration and management of the system. This graduation ceremony was merged with another official event, the donation of eight desktop computers, three laptops, three scanners and two printers by the European Union Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EUCAP) to the NP and in furtherance of ICITAP’s rollout of the HRMS. The ICITAP-Mali mission has a very close and cordial relationship with the EUCAP-Sahel team, and this great cooperation between international partners only serves to enhance the outcomes to the benefit of our partner, the Mali NP.On October 29, 2021, the ICITAP-Mali Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché (LEAA) attended a graduation of Mali National Police (NP) Officers trained on the Human Resource Management System (HRMS), which was installed and made operational by ICITAP IT experts from Albania and Mali.  This graduation was the culmination of a week-long exercise on the proper administration and management of the system. This graduation ceremony was merged with another official event, the donation of eight desktop computers, three laptops, three scanners and two printers by the European Union Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EUCAP) to the NP and in furtherance of ICITAP’s rollout of the HRMS. The ICITAP-Mali mission has a very close and cordial relationship with the EUCAP-Sahel team, and this great cooperation between international partners only serves to enhance the outcomes to the benefit of our partner, the Mali NP.

Updated January 20, 2025