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Blog Post

Mexico: ICITAP Holds Closing Ceremony for Forensic Leadership Workshop

On July 9, the ICITAP-Mexico virtually held the closing ceremony for the 4th yearly iteration of the Forensic Leadership and Management Workshop. In attendance was the ICITAP Director, who gave final remarks as well as ICITAP’s Senior Forensic Advisor Elizabeth Marso and ICITAP-Mexico’s Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché. This year there were approximately 40 participants including lab directors, quality managers, liaisons, and technical leaders in forensics from Mexico, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Honduras, and Guatemala. The objective of the course is for participants to enhance problem-solving skills of forensic scientists in leadership roles for those having leadership positions in forensic laboratories. The workshop was held virtually once a week for 12 sessions on topics such as leadership, ethics, communication, motivation, intergenerational and intercultural conflict, improving processes, decision making and risk management. In order to maintain the culture of quality within the laboratories it is important that leadership stays up to date on their skills and abilities which in turn promotes sustainability of forensic services in Mexico, Central America and Colombia.

Updated January 20, 2025