Blog Post
Pakistan: ICITAP Delivers Lecture at National Police Academy of New Police Officers, Undergoing Assistant Superintendents of Police Training
On July 29, ICITAP-Pakistan’s Mission Advisor conducted a four-hour guest lecture in money laundering for new police officers undergoing training to become Assistant Superintendents of Police (ASP). While this training occurred in Islamabad, the eighteen officers who attended are highly educated men and women from many different regions of Pakistan. These officers had previously passed a rigorous, highly competitive civil service examination that qualified them as Police Services of Pakistan (PSPs). As each of them advance in their careers, they will assume executive management ranks within the police of Pakistan. As a result of this lecture, which was well received by the attendees and NPA administrators, ICITAP was offered the full use of the National Police Academy and was petitioned to conduct multiple, full five-day versions of this training to seasoned field officers, as future in-service training. In Pakistan, ICITAP works with the support of and in coordination with the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Counterterrorism.
Updated January 20, 2025