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Blog Post

Ukraine: ICITAP Digital Evidence Standards Project Developing First-Rate Standards for Ukraine

On November 6, 2022, ICITAP-Ukraine provided an update on its assistance to the National Police of Ukraine. Over the last six months, ICITAP continued its coordination with digital forensics experts on digital evidence standards and practices for the National Police of Ukraine’s (NPU) Department of Criminal Analysis to discuss the importance and nuances of meeting international best practices, Rule of Law, and human rights in digital investigations. Experts in processing digital evidence in criminal investigations have assisted the NPU in developing standards in line with those acceptable by the international community. In ICITAP’s continuing effort to familiarize the NPU investigative and operational forces with the collection, storage, preservation and integrity, and court confidence in digital evidence, ICITAP completed the Ukrainian translation of the UK Association of Chief Police Officers standard “ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence.” This contribution by ICITAP adds to the strategy for developing solid criminal evidentiary standards in Ukraine and providing the NPU with the best possible resources to maintain community confidence while creating its policing future. In Ukraine, ICITAP works with the support of the Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Updated January 20, 2025