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Blog Post

Ukraine: ICITAP Helps Expand Public Order Capability with Patrol Police

On June 11, 2021, ICITAP concluded the first of two weeks of Patrol Police of Ukraine (PPD) Public Order training in Kyiv. Participants included 20 bike patrol officers and 19 horse-mounted officers, in addition to 48 TOR officers, who completed Incident Command Systems (ICS) training. The U.S. Chargé d’Affaires and the Head of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) attended the graduation ceremony. The second week of the event will be dedicated to the Crowd Control Summit being held in the eastern region of Kharkiv. ICITAP has been training PPD officers in Public Order Management since 2017 when the first 30 trainers completed a Training-of-Trainers course. Since then, ICITAP has organized Incident Command Systems (ICS) training events, this year’s bike and mounted officer training, and three Crowd Control Summits where ICITAP advisors, PPD trainers, and hundreds of PPD TOR officers gather to share experiences and best practices for handling mass events like protests and parades.

Updated January 20, 2025