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Blog Post

Ukraine: ICITAP-Mentored Train-the Trainer Course Graduates Its Sixth Class

On November 12, the Ukrainian Patrol Police held a graduation ceremony for the sixth iteration of the ICITAP-designed and mentored Master Trainer of Police (MTOP) course.  In keeping with sustainability goals, this course was taught entirely by ICITAP-trained Ukrainian Patrol Police instructors, with only minimal ICITAP mentoring.  In Ukraine, the Patrol Police are the initial responders to calls for assistance, accidents and emergencies, and intervention of active criminal activity. This is particularly important in the rural villages and areas that make up over 40% of Ukraine.  The Deputy Chief of the Patrol Police and the ICITAP Mission Advisor awarded certificates to thirty-one graduates from the regions of Kirovograd, Poltava, and Sumy. In their remarks, both the Deputy Chief and Mission Advisor emphasized the importance these training officers will have on the new police officers under their guidance, and the impact the participants will have on generations of officers to follow in their efforts to continue the reform of the National Police of Ukraine.  In Ukraine, ICITAP is supported by the Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Updated January 20, 2025