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Blog Post

Uzbekistan: ICITAP Commences Development of Counter Terrorism Investigators and Managers Courses with Law Enforcement Academy of Uzbekistan

On July 22, ICITAP commenced its training development engagement with the Law Enforcement Academy (LEA) of Uzbekistan jointly with the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office of the British Government. This engagement will facilitate the long-term sustainability of counter-terrorism related teachings across agencies and institutions within Uzbekistan. The joint training development team consisting of individuals from the US, UK, and the LEA will work together for a three-week period reviewing existing materials, course structures, accreditation opportunities and incorporating human rights teachings to support an enhanced ability to investigate and manage counter-terrorism investigations and prosecutions. During the engagement the team will visit the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) in Indonesia to engage with staff and representatives from the National Police Academy. They will have the opportunity to observe a course designed to support the development of female law enforcers in the field of counter-terrorism surveillance techniques. The visit to JCLEC will enable the team to witness how counter-terrorism related training is being delivered effectively within Southeast Asia and serve as a point of reference for course structure and content. At the conclusion of this initial period of development the training team will structure counter-terrorism courses for delivery to academics, prosecutors, and frontline enforcement assets. Following agreement across the team on content and structure CT-DOJ/ICITAP will work with institutions in the US and UK to seek accreditation opportunities. This process will assist with long-term capacitation in country and encourage enhanced intelligence-sharing practices due to the developed abilities to handle intelligence and information accordingly. 

Updated January 20, 2025