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Bangladesh: ICITAP Contributes to Combating Violent Extremism Through Roll-Call Training
On July 18, the Bangladesh Police hosted a graduation ceremony at their Detective Training School in Dhaka for ICITAP’s two-week Roll-Call (Micro) Training Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Course. ICITAP’s Senior Training Advisor and ICITAP-Bangladesh’s Senior Law Enforcement Advisor served as co-instructors for the course. Eleven Bangladesh Police officers graduated from the course. All 11 of these students were quite skilled as they had received excellent basic and advanced instructor development training in Dhaka from ICITAP-trained Filipino instructors. While Roll-call (or Micro) training modules are only 15-25 minutes long, they follow a traditional course presentation format which includes: 1) Instructors’ Introduction, 2) Topic Introduction, 3) Goal of Module, 4) Objectives of Module, 5) Pre-test, 6) Role Play, 7) Explanation of Topic, 8) Plan of Action, 9) Summary, and 10) Post-test. The instructors emphasized creative training techniques such as developing role plays and scenarios. The training primarily focused on how Bangladeshi Police can best counter violent extremism (CVE). The students developed six CVE micro-training modules that focused on how students, teachers, landlords, religious leaders, civic leaders, and parents can counter violent extremism. In addition to these modules, the students developed six additional modules, including crime scene protection, sexual harassment, the dangers of Facebook, and leadership.
Updated August 11, 2023