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Philippines: ICITAP Advocates for Improved Management of Incarcerated Terrorists

On February 5, the ICITAP-Philippines program team joined the U.S. Embassy’s Counterterrorism (CT) staff to meet with the head of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) to discuss a possible CT-funded project supporting jail management of terrorist suspects. The Director and his Intelligence and Operations Directors expressed their need for this assistance project and committed their full support. The Director mentioned that they currently have a 700-bed, seven floor, single-cell facility under construction and due for completion next year. The timing for this project vis à vis the completion of the new facility would create the ideal setting for the best security-oriented activation housing terrorist suspects. The project, as discussed, would support policy development for terrorist suspects, a case management system, a modified classification system and management principle training for their staff to prevent terrorist radicalization and recruitment from within the jails while awaiting adjudication of their cases. ICITAP’s works in the area with the support of and in coordination with the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT).

Updated August 11, 2023