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Organization And Functions Manual

7. Justice Management Division—Individual Staff

Individual staff responsibilities are as follows:
  1. The Budget Staff develops and monitors all policies pertaining to Department-wide budget formulation, review and execution, and resource management. The staff plans, supervises and reviews the preparation, justification and execution of the Department's budget, including coordination and control of programming and reprogramming of funds and supplemental requests.
  2. The Finance Staff develops and directs Department-wide financial management policies, programs, procedures and systems including financial accounting, planning, analysis and reporting; ensures that Department components meet financial and accounting requirements; and provides direct accounting support to the OBDs and for the Department's centralized financial systems. This staff handles Department travel, transportation and relocation expenses; approvals for the use of expert witnesses; and employee locator systems.
  3. The Procurement Services Staff provides procedural guidance to Department components concerning procurement matters and supports the OBDs through the acquisition of goods and services.
  4. The Asset Forfeiture Management Staff has responsibility for the administrative management functions of the Asset Forfeiture Program in the Department. These functions include management of the DOJ Assets Forfeiture Fund including interpretation of the Assets Forfeiture Fund statute; implementation and operation of the Consolidated Asset Tracking System; management of both internal and external budget processes regarding Assets Forfeiture Fund monies; managing investment of Assets Forfeiture Fund and Seized Asset Deposit Fund surplus balances; development, administration and oversight of asset forfeiture program-wide contracts; review, audit and evaluation of asset forfeiture program activities; identification of program weaknesses and development, monitoring and review of appropriate internal controls; and analysis of legislative, policy and regulatory proposals that may affect execution of the asset forfeiture program.
  5. The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization develops and implements appropriate outreach programs aimed at heightening the awareness of the small and disadvantaged businesses regarding their possible eligibility for special consideration under preferential purchasing programs which the Department employs.
  6. The Telecommunications Services Staff provides telecommunications services and establishes and maintains policy regarding the use of voice and data telecommunications department-wide.
  7. The Information Management and Security Staff assists customer organizations in the acquisition and management of secure, cost effective, information technology in support of Departmental missions and program goals. This is achieved through information sharing, technical assistance, and the development of policy, guidelines, and best practices.
  8. The Computer Services Staff (CSS) provides common user automated data processing facilities and services to support the Department of Justice departmental activities. CSS provides these facilities and services in support of the litigation, law enforcement, custody, immigration, management and administrative missions of departmental components.
  9. The Systems Technology Staff manages local area networks for JMD and the Department's senior policy offices, and develops and deploys computer applications. The staff also administers Information Resources Management contracts for the benefit of Departmental components and other Federal agencies.
  10. The Facilities and Administrative Services Staff provides Department-wide administrative policy/oversight responsibilities as well as day to day operational support services to the OBDs. Department-wide responsibilities encompass policy development and implementation monitoring in the areas of publications, audiovisual, mail, personal property, real property management, and buildings and construction management. The support services that are provided to the OBDs includes the operation, maintenance, repair, preservation, alteration, furnishing, equipping and custody of the Main Justice Building, as well as acquiring, approving, making alterations to, and disposing of space for OBDs. Also, the staff manages the Department's curatorial and ceremonial functions, and provides design, construction and project management, architectural and engineering management, warehousing, mail, messenger, audiovisual, graphics, photography, printing, and distribution services for the OBDs.
  11. The Personnel Staff develops and implements Department wide personnel policy and programs, including training, position classification and pay administration, staffing, employee performance evaluation, employee relations and services, employee recognition and incentives, and employee health benefits. This staff also provides operating personnel support services to all OBDs except the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys.
  12. The Equal Employment Opportunity Staff ensures compliance with equal employment opportunity statutes and regulations; and plans, administers and directs the Department's Affirmative Action Program.
  13. The Library Staff identifies, collects, organizes and disseminates information to the OBDs; and establishes Department wide management policy for files maintenance and records disposition.
  14. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) provides oversight and coordinates all Department training programs and activities which involve Federal law enforcement training. The FLETC is the principal advisor to the Department on issues pertaining to components' participation at FLETC.
  15. The Management and Planning Staff (MPS) develops Department wide policy for program evaluation, management and productivity improvement, organizational management, privatization, internal controls and use of consultant services. The staff performs Department-wide program reviews and management assistance studies; and makes recommendations to improve management, productivity, program effectiveness and efficiency. MPS establishes procurement policy for the Department and monitors procurement activities to ensure compliance with relevant regulations. MPS also coordinates the DOJ Performance Review activities and the National Performance Review initiatives.
  16. The Security Staff and Emergency Planning Staff develops, implements and monitors Department wide policies and programs affecting the security of Department employees and resources, including personnel, physical, document, information and telecommunications security; emergency preparedness and civil defense; and occupational safety and health matters.
  17. The Audit Liaison Office provides support to senior management on matters related to the audit and program review activities of the DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the General Accounting Office (GAO). The staff provides oversight, guidance and support to DOJ components on audit, inspection and program review activities of the OIG and the GAO. Also, the staff advises components on the GAO's authority to review DOJ information and assists in negotiating reasonable accommodations as required.
  18. The Department Ethics Office administers the Department wide ethics program and establishes Department wide policies in this area. The office provides advice and training to employees in the leadership offices and supervises the ethics programs.
  19. The Office of the General Counsel ensures the legal sufficiency of Department management and administrative programs, and provides legal advice and guidance to other JMD Staffs.
  20. The Executive Support Staff provides centralized administrative management in an organized and expeditious manner to the immediate offices of the Attorney General, and to all of the components that report to them.
  21. The Consolidated Administrative Office provides administrative support in the areas of personnel, budget, finance, procurement, facilities, ADP and telecommunications to the Offices of Legislative Affairs, Public affairs, Policy Development, Information and Privacy, Professional Responsibility, Intelligence Policy and Review, Attorney Personnel Management, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the President's Crime Prevention Council, and 15 other staffs within JMD.
  22. The Employee Assistance Program provides overall Department wide guidance in the administration of programs which offer assistance to employees and their families in connection with a wide range of problems; e.g., substance abuse, marital problems, emotional problems. Direct support is provided to the offices, boards and divisions and the United States Attorneys.