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Staff Profile
Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security

Edward O'Callaghan

Edward O'Callaghan became Acting Assistant Attorney General (A)AAG on January 27, 2018.  In addition to serving as (A)AAG, Ed serves as the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division (NSD).  In his capacity as Principal Deputy, Ed assists the Assistant Attorney General in the supervision of all units and components in the NSD, including the Counterterrorism Section, the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, the Office of Intelligence, the Office of Law & Policy, the Foreign Investment Review Staff, and the Office of Justice for the Victims of Overseas Terrorism.  Ed re-joined DOJ in November 2017 from his position as a partner in the international law firm of Clifford Chance.  His private sector practice focused on defending financial institutions, public companies, asset management firms, and individuals in international and domestic regulatory investigations and criminal prosecutions, including cases involving alleged violations of the United States export controls and FCPA, securities fraud, insider trading and market manipulation, bank fraud, money laundering, accounting fraud, health care fraud, corruption, RICO, and criminal antitrust.

From 1999 until 2008, Ed was an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Co-Chief of the Terrorism & National Security Unit during the last three years of his tenure. In addition to the many counterterrorism investigations and prosecutions in which he was involved, he acted as the lead prosecutor on a number of high-profile matters including the Department of Justice's international financial fraud investigation and prosecutions related to corruption in the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program, RICO prosecutions of crime families, numerous banks and securities fraud cases, FCPA matters, export control enforcement, and other cases.  Ed is a recipient of the U.S. Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service (2008) and the Director's Award for Superior Performance as an Assistant U.S. Attorney (2000).
Ed graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Georgetown University in 1991 and earned his J.D. from NYU Law School in 1994.  From 1995 until 1996, Ed served as a law clerk to the Honorable Kevin Thomas Duffy of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Updated February 27, 2018