FOIA Update: FOIA Training Opportunities
Vol. VII, No. 2
FOIA Training Opportunities
Legal Education Institute: The Freedom of Information Act for Attorneys and Access Professionals, July 22-23, 10th and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: John C. Summers, (FTS) 673-6372. No charge.
Office of Information and Privacy: Introduction to the Freedom of Information Act for Non-Specialists, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., September 9, U.S. Department of Labor Headquarters Building, Washington, D.C. Contact: Karen M. Finnegan, (FTS) 724-7402. No charge.
Office of Information and Privacy: Annual Update Seminar on the FOIA, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., September 30, U.S. Department of Labor Headquarters Building, Washington, D.C. Contact: Karen M. Finnegan, (FTS) 724-7402. No charge.
Boston Region Training Center: Implementation of the Privacy and Freedom of Information Acts, July 21-22, U.S. Customs House, Boston, MA. Contact: Daniel J. Buckley, (FTS) 223-5786. Cost: $225.
New York Region Training Center: Successful Implementation of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, September 9-10, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY. Contact: Daniel Parker, (FTS) 264-8431. Cost: $200.
New York Region Training Center: Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Workshop for Administrative and Secretarial Personnel, September 11-12, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY. Contact: Daniel Parker, (FTS) 264-8431. Cost: $200.
Denver Region Training Center: Freedom of Information and Personal Privacy, August 26-27, Salt Lake City, UT; August 28-29, Denver, CO. Contact: Nina Schmidt, (FTS) 776-4088. Cost: $150.
Center for Communications and Administrative Management Training Institute: Successful Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, August 20-21, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Cassandra Saunders, (FTS) 632-5600. Cost: $225.
Center for Communications and Administrative Management, Administrative Management Training Institute: FOIA and Privacy Act Workshop for Administrative and Secretarial Personnel, September 18-19, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Cassandra Saunders, (FTS) 632-5600. Cost: $225.
Government Affairs Institute: Eighth Annual Symposium on the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, August 12-13, Washington, D.C. Contact: Karis Obrenski or Barry Brown, (FTS) 632-5662. Cost: $275.
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