2019 FBI Hate Crimes Statistics Report
2019 Hate Crimes Statistics Report
In November 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released its 2019 Hate Crime Statistics report, an annual compilation of bias-motivated incidents in the United States. The report provides data submitted from law enforcement agencies around the country on incidents and offenses, victims, offenders, locations of hate crimes, and hate crimes by jurisdiction. Overall, hate crimes incidents increased by nearly 200 from 2018, with 7,314 total incidents reported, the highest number since 2008. The data demonstrate that hate crimes remain a concern in communities across the country.
Hate crimes based on race, ethnicity, religion, or ancestry continue to be the biggest area of concern across the country. In total, 3,963 incidents related to race, ethnicity, and ancestry were reported in 2019. Anti-Black hate crimes continue to be the largest single category of incidents with 1,930 in 2019, a number that has held relatively steady for the past three years. Anti-Hispanic or Latino incidents are becoming an increasing concern, with 527 total incidents, an increase of 9% since 2018 and 23% since 2017. The other largest categories of hate crimes included anti-gay (male) incidents, with 746, and anti-white incidents, with a total of 666.
Incidents related to religion increased 7% from 2018, with 1,521 total incidents reported. The largest single category was anti-Semitic incidents. There were 953 anti-Semitic incidents in 2019, up 14% since 2018. Anti-Muslim incidents were the second-largest category, with 176 incidents reported. Reports of anti-Muslim incidents have decreased over the past two years, however, from 273 in 2017. Anti-Sikh incidents increased significantly over the same period, up 145% from 20 in 2017 to 49 in 2019.
Among overall categories, the largest percent increases in incidents were related to gender, with a 47% increase, and gender identity, with an 18% increase. There were 51 anti-female incidents in 2019, an increase of 117% since 2017. Anti-transgender and anti-gender-nonconforming incidents both had large increases, up 42% and 262% since 2017, respectively.
Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2019
See the Hate Crimes website for some additional details from the data: https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/hate-crime-statistics. The full report can be found on the FBI’s website at https://ucr.fbi.gov/hate-crime/2019.
If you or your community are looking for information about CRS services and programs related preventing and responding to hate crimes, view Our Work page or this brochure for an overview of offerings.