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United States Trustee Program Contacts, Honors Program Pre-Interview Submissions, and Interview Information


Primary USTP Contacts:  

IT Support:

Interview Information

Candidates should follow instructions from the Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management (OARM) regarding interview scheduling. OARM will notify candidates of their interview date and time. USTP will follow up with supplemental information. The USTP will use Microsoft Teams for its interviews.

How to access Microsoft Teams (Note: If possible, we recommend you have both a mobile device and computer ready for use, so you have a backup in case one fails.)

    RECOMMENDED: Laptop/Desktop (Windows, Mac, Chromebook)

    If you are using a computer, you can either download the Teams app, or use an internet browser. If you use a browser, Microsoft Edge is recommended, but Chrome is also compatible. No other browsers are supported.

    Mobile Device (Smart phone or tablet)

    If you choose to use a mobile device, you must download the Teams app. First, you must install the Teams app from the app store or Google Play store.

    • If you are on an iPhone or iPad, search for "Teams" in the app store.
    • If you are on an Android,  search for "Teams" in the Google Play store.

    The information below is provided for your convenience:

    Google Play Store Microsoft Teams download:

    Microsoft App Store Teams App download:

    After you ensure Teams is available on your device, contact the USTP’s IT Support Staff (contact information above) to schedule a test call.

    1. You will receive a meeting invite via email.
    2. At the date and time of the meeting invite, click join from the email invite you received for your practice call.
    3. Sign into Teams or join as a guest.
    4. You will then wait in the lobby until IT Support is ready to conduct an Audio/Visual test. Depending on the number of users connecting at the same time, you may need to wait in the lobby for several minutes.
    5. The test should only take a few minutes. If you have issues and can’t connect please email the IT Specialists noted above.

    Instructions for Joining the Teams Meeting:

    Instructions for Joining Teams Meeting from Microsoft:

    Microsoft Video Instructions for joining Teams Meeting:

    Pre-Interview Submissions (Honors Program only)

    The United States Trustee Program requests a current resume, and current writing sample.

    • Submission Deadline: No later than 5 days after notification of selection.
    • Format: Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
    • Type of Writing Sample: Submit only one sample, not to exceed 10 pages.  Do not submit work that has been edited by others.  The writing sample should provide evidence of the candidate’s skills in legal analysis and writing.  Excerpts from a longer article, brief, memorandum, or judicial opinion are acceptable.  If the work was authored by more than one person, the candidate should highlight those sections the candidate authored.

    Submission Method:

    Submit by email (with both submissions in one PDF) to:” 

    Use the following format for the subject line: Name of Candidate (last name, then first name) – Honors Program Pre-Interview Submission.

    Example: Washington, George – Honors Program Pre-Interview Submission

    Special Instructions

    Candidates should place their name on the top right corner of the writing sample. 

    Updated September 12, 2024