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U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California Contacts, Pre-Interview Submissions (Honors & Summer Law Intern Programs) and Honors Program Interview Locations


First Assistant U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert at (916) 554-2789 and Secretary to the U.S. Attorney Deb Duckett-Morris at (916) 554-2730.


The U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California will conduct interviews at the Robert T. Matsui U.S. Courthouse, 501 I Street, Suite 10-100, Sacramento, CA  95814.  Our office is located on the 10th floor of the federal courthouse at the corner of 5th and I Streets in Sacramento.  Candidates should allow a few minutes to clear courthouse security (candidates will need a photo ID such as a driver’s license), after which they should take the elevator to our reception area on the 10th floor.  Upon arrival, candidates should ask for First Assistant U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert or, in his absence, Secretary to the U.S. Attorney Deb Duckett-Morris.

  • Travel by Car:  Candidates driving to the interview should note that public parking in the area is limited and, depending on time of day, difficult to find, so plan to arrive early.  There is no public parking in the federal courthouse.
  • Travel by Amtrak:  If traveling within California, train travel may be an option.  The Sacramento Amtrak train station is directly across the street from the courthouse.
  • Travel by Air:  If flying into Sacramento, a candidate is authorized to take a taxi or other commercial ground travel to and from the courthouse.  Candidates should allocate at least 30 minutes travel time from the airport to the courthouse.


The U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California requests a cover letter, a current résumé, and a writing sample.  All documents should be sent electronically. 

Submission Deadline

Not later than 10 business days after notification of selection for an interview.


Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat

Type of Writing Sample

Interview candidates should submit an original piece of legal writing or analysis that has not been extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).  We request writing samples not exceed 15 pages.  An excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable – just include a brief explanation.  If written in conjunction with others, the candidate must clearly identify those portions he or she authored. 

Submission Methods



Submit the cover letter, writing sample, and résumé, by e-mail as attachments to:

The email subject line should reflect: “Honors Program Submission” and include the candidate’s name.

For example, documents submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read: Honors Program Submission - J.Q. Candidate

Special Instructions

The documents submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.

Honors Program candidates selected for an interview will be asked to perform an in-house writing exercise as part of the interview process.  It takes 45 minutes and no preparation is necessary.  Candidates are presented a single open-ended question and asked to provide a short response (usually a page to a page and a half).   

Updated September 11, 2018