Office of Intelligence Litigation Records System
U.S. Department of Justice
National Security Division, Office of Intelligence
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 6150
Washington, D.C. 20530
Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Telephone: (202) 514-5600
Abstract: The Litigation Records System (LRS) of the National Security Division (NSD), Office of Intelligence (OI) is the information system for maintaining the files pertaining to the subjects of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications who are eventually prosecuted for espionage or terrorism violations, or otherwise involved in court proceedings outside the jurisdiction of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It is a manual classified system consisting of files indexed by Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court docket number.
Purpose: This system was created and is maintained to enable OI staff preparing certifications and applications for orders under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and representing the United States before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to follow or support litigation by the United States that involves a former subject of a FISA-related investigation.
Access constraints: Access to this system is restricted to OI personnel with "TOP SECRET/SCI" clearance and a need to know.
Use constraints: LRS is available to OI staff supporting or monitoring the status of federal litigation involving a FISA subject.
Sources of data: OI does not conduct investigations. This system contains information received from the Intelligence Community, the FBI, other executive branch departments and agencies conducting foreign counterintelligence and terrorism investigations, and may contain copies of criminal, civil and appellate court documents and related material.
Responsible office for distributing information (if different from originator): Same as originator.
Order process: A request for access to a record from the system should be made in writing with the envelope and the letter clearly marked "Privacy Act Request" or "Freedom of Information Act Request." If you are requesting records pertaining to yourself, the request must include your full name, complete address, date of birth, notarized signature, and other identifying data you may wish to furnish to assist in making a proper search of our records. The request must also provide a return address for transmitting the information. Requests for other information must describe the records to which you seek access. Requests should be addressed to:
Department of Justice
FOIA Coordinator
National Security Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 6150
Washington, D.C. 20530
Office of contact for further information (if different from originator): Same as originator.
Date of last modification: 03/09