ASLRP Component Review and Validation
Upon receiving an ASLRP request form from an attorney, component representatives must review Parts 1 and 2 (completed by the attorney), complete Part 3, check to see if the attorney's packet is complete (e.g., contains all the required attachments), and forward to the Executive Officer (or equivalent) or authorized delegate for completion of Part 4 (final validation).
When the entire packet is complete, forward to OARM electronically at by the appropriate submission deadline. See special instructions for USAOs, below.
- U.S. Attorney’s Offices: HR Staff (HR Officer, Admin Officer in non-SPO) complete and sign Part 3; Part 4 to be completed and signed by the District by the AO/FAUSA/USA Attorney. Forward to for review. EOUSA will forward to OARM.
Forms and packets for initial requests and renewal requests are not identical.
Initial Requests: A complete initial request includes:
1. Submissions from the attorney:
- Parts 1 and 2 of Initial Request for Consideration for Participation in ALSRP form
- Parts 1 and 2 completed by attorney and signed/dated
- Loan information continuation pages as needed (for individuals with more than two qualifying loans)
- Service Agreement (located immediately after Part 2) signed by attorney
- Loan history documentation (attached separately)
- Justification for Selection and Resume (one PDF with both documents) (attached separately)
Optional: The attorney may submit a demographics form directly to OARM. Do not accept/include as part of the initial request package reviewed by the component (return to attorney).
2. Submissions from the component:
- Part 3 of the Initial Request form – Component Verification (HR review)
Districts: HR Staff (HR Officer, Admin Officer in non-SPO) complete and sign Part 3- Ensure the attorney listed complete mailing addresses and full account information for each student loan
- Confirm attorney's entry on duty date
- Part 4 of the Initial Request form – Component Validation (signed by Executive Officer or delegate)
Districts: Part 4 to be completed and signed by the District by the AO/FAUSA/USA Attorney- Provide a recommended numeric score (from 1- low to 40 – high) for Justification, Item 2.
- Certify the attorney’s last performance evaluation was at least at the Fully Successful level under Part 430 of Title 5, CFR, or a similar level of performance under another applicable performance management system or that the attorney has been with the Department for less than one year and has not qualified for an evaluation.
Renewal Requests: A complete renewal request includes:
1. Submissions from the attorney:
- Parts 1 and 2 of renewal form, completed, signed, and dated by attorney
- Loan information continuation pages as needed (for individuals with more than two qualifying loans)
- Loan documents
2. Submissions from the component:
- Part 3 of the renewal form – Component Verification (HR review)
Districts: HR Staff (HR Officer, Admin Officer in non-SPO) complete and sign Part 3- Ensure the attorney listed complete mailing addresses and full account information for each student loan
- Confirm periods of leave without pay
- Part 4 of the renewal form: Component Validation (signed by Executive Officer or delegate)
Districts: Part 4 to be completed and signed by the District by the AO/FAUSA/USA Attorney- Ensure the attorney listed complete mailing addresses and full account information for each student loan
OARM Contacts:
- Policy Questions: Deana Willis, Assistant Director
- Technical Questions: Rae Ross, Administrative Services Specialist
EOUSA Contacts for Districts:
- Robert Zehmer, Human Resources Specialist
- Linda Richardson, Administrative Services Specialist