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Nisur Square

Welcome, this web site contains information for persons, and loved ones of persons, who were victims in the Nisur Square Shooting on September 16, 2007. The following information is available by clicking on the item:

If you are a victim and would like to be added to our mailing list to receive information about the case, please send your information to the following address:
Victim Witness Coordinator
Nisur Square
United States Attorney's Office
555 Fourth Street, NW
Room 11-840
Washington, D.C. 20530

If you know of anyone who was a victim, or is a loved one of a victim, in the Nisur Square Shooting on September 16, 2007, please let them know about this web site and the opportunity to register for the victims' mailing list.

Please check this website regularly for updated information. You can also send emails to

Updated January 8, 2021
