Contact Us
Thank you for visiting the District of Delaware website.
On this page, you can view the contact information for the office by telephone, by postal mail, or you can contact the Public Affairs Office or the webmaster.
By Telephone
Delaware Office Main Phone: (302) 573-6277
Delaware Office Fax Line: (302) 573-6220
Delaware Office TTY Line: (302) 225-7726
Correspondence to the District of Delaware, including the U.S. Attorney, may be sent to:
Hercules Building
U.S. Attorney's Office
1313 N Market Street
PO Box 2046
Wilmington, DE 19801
CONTACT THE public affairs office
Contact the Public Affairs Officer at (302) 573-6277 or
To comment on the District of Delaware website, please e-mail
The webmaster for the United States Attorney's internet web site is only authorized to respond to electronic messages raising issues or questions about the site. Pursuant to office policy, if you wish to bring a substantive issue to the attention of the United States Attorney it should be done in the form of traditional correspondence sent to our mailing address.