USAO Advisory Council
A council created by the USA to strengthen existing programmatic efforts and, where necessary, to create new initiatives in the following areas: reentry, prevention, and educational and employment opportunities, to build trust in our communities and to enhance prospects for sustained success.
Reentry Simulation
This interactive event is designated to place the participant "in the shoes" of a recently incarcerated individual. This simulation exposes the participant to the difficulties formerly incarcerated individuals face upon reentering the community. View here.
Reentry Court
Reentry Court participants appear before a United States Magistrate Judge every two weeks to discuss their progress on supervision. During their time in Reentry Court, the participants receive intensive supervision and mentoring by the U.S. Probation Office, while also receiving priority services in job training, job placement/retention, education, housing, treatment, and free civil legal services. Their progress is reviewed prior to their court appearance by Reentry Court team members, who include a U.S. Magistrate Judge, an Assistant U.S. Attorney, an Assistant Federal Public Defender, and a U.S. Probation Officer.
After participants successfully complete 52 weeks in REC, they are eligible for a reduction of up to one year of their term of federal supervised release.
Virtual Resources via VTC
The result of a partnership with the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Bureau of Prisons in Fairton, New Jersey, Virtual Resources via VTC is a crime prevention strategy that aims to highlight pre-release reentry services to help address the barriers that impede successful reintegration back into society. The strategy provides virtual pre-release reentry resources to federal inmates currently serving a term of imprisonment. Via video teleconference from the U.S. Attorney’s Office into the BOP facility, reentry service providers share an overview of the resources their organizations offer inmates upon release.
To learn about the reentry efforts of the U.S. Attorney’s Office or to obtain information about possible collaboration on our reentry efforts, please contact our Public Affairs Office by clicking on this LINK.
Additional Informational Links
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Grant Page (current funding opportunities)
U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Corrections
National Reentry Resource Center of the Council of State Governments Justice Center