EDLA in the Community
JULY 2024
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Presented at the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) Citizen's Academy. The presentation was an overall summary of the mission of the U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA.
- U.S. Attorney Evans addressed law clerks from Southeast Louisiana Legal Services. The law clerks learned about the U.S. Attorney's Office's mission, federal prosecutions, and what attributes are needed to become successful attorneys.
- Attended the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) recruit class 200 graduation.
JUNE 2024
Eastern District of Louisiana Outreach
- Attended the United States Coast Guard (Sector New Orleans) Change of Command and Retirement Ceremony” (First Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Simpson)
MAY 2024
Community Outreach Unit Outreach
- Attended and served as a speaker for the New Orleans Police Department's Junior Citizens' Academy Graduation. (Community Outreach Coordinator/PIO, Shane M. Jones)
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Attended the Elcano Event at Cabildo
- Attended Interdenominational Outreach Meeting. (with Shane Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator)
- Attended the 2024 FBI Annual Memorial Service
APRIL 2024
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Attended Drug Enforcement Agency, Operation Engage Community Event at Christian Unity Baptist Church. (USA Duane A. Evans, Community Outreach Coordinator, Shane M. Jones, Law Enforcement Coordinator, Quinn Smith).
- Attended New Orleans Police Department Awards Ceremony.
- Attended Interdenominational Outreach Meeting.
- Attended ATF’s Inaugural Gun Violence Survivors’ Summit, Washington D.C.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Civil Chief Peter Mansfield moderated a panel CLE for the Federal Bar Association. (Civil Chief, Peter Mansfield).
- Participated on a panel presentation entitled "Public Corruption Prosecutors-Specail Applications as a part of the Louisiana State Bar Association's 16th Annual White Collar Crime Symposium. ( AUSAs Jordan Ginsberg, Maria Carboni and Matthew Payne).
- Served as a panel speaker at the Greater New Orleans Barge Fleeting Association's annual conference regarding maritime incidents that lead to criminal prosecutions. ( AUSA Nicholas Moses).
Eastern District of Louisiana Outreach
- Attended 2024 National Crime Victim's Rights Week Events (Orleans Parish city-wide) with local law enforcement and non-governmental victim advocates. (Victim Witness Coordinator, Brandi Calagna, Law Enforcement Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Community Outreach Coordinator/PIO, Shane M. Jones, Criminal Chief, Tracey Knight, AUSA Churita Hansell).
MARCH 2024
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- United Against Hate, Identifying, Reporting, and Preventing Hate Crimes Program at the Jewish Community Center. (USA Duane A. Evans, AUSA Chandra Menon, Criminal Chief/AUSA Sandra Gutierrez, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator & Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Presented at the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) Citizen's Academy. The presentation was an overall summary of the mission of the U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA.
- Attended New Orleans Police Department Recruit Class #199 Graduation Ceremony.
- Attended Interdenominational Outreach Meeting.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Presented to students and parents at Christ Episcopal School regarding internet safetym dangers of social media, on-line gaming, sexting, cell phone safety, cyber-bullying and on-line predators. (AUSA Brian Klebba).
- Participated in a panel webinar ("Trends in Ransomware and Identity Theft") hosted by the Association of Government Accountants (AGA) on the topic of cybersecurity. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
Human Resources and Recruitment
- Participated in the University of New Orleans Career Fair.
Community Outreach Unit Outreach
- Participated in the Kiwanis of Covington, Louisiana Youth Wellnes Fair. (Outreach Coordinator, Shane M. Jones).
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated in the Tulane Law Criminal Boot Camp, a skills training course to give students an introduction to the realities of criminal pre-trial litigation ( AUSA Lynn Schiffman)
Gave a presentation at the Loyola Institute of Politics entitled, “Politics, Public Corruption, and the Law.”(AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Attended the Greater New Orleans Inc. annual luncheon.
- Attended Organized Retail Crime Alliance Meeting.
- FAUSA Simpson and USA Evans attended the funeral for former Orleans Parish District Attorney Harry Connick, Sr.
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Attended the PSN Conference in Indianapolis
- Attended retirement for FBI SAC Douglas Williams
- Presenter at the GNO Louis A. Martinet Society’s 2023 End-of-the-Year CLE
Elder Justice Outreach
- Participated in an Elder Justice presentation along with United States Secret Service at Gretna Senior and Wellness Center. (AUSA Edward Rivera, Elder Justice Coordinator).
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a pnelist for the New Orleans Bar Association’s CLE entitled “Masters of the Courtroom, Opening Statements: Winning from the Beginning.” (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
- Presented at the Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society’s End-of-the-Year CLE program Legal & Ethical Considerations for Admitting Digital Evidence.” (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Attended the Swearing In Ceremony for NOPD Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick
- Presented at the St. Tammany Bar Association CLE Presentation
- Attended the Funeral for District Attorney Warren Montgomery
- Attended and Participated in the Reginald F. Lewis Scholars Program
- Participated in the Constance Baker Motley play for the Federal Bar Association as part of the Alvin Rubin Symposium
- Participated in the ADA Voting Rights Listening Session in partner with the Middle District of Louisiana and Main Justice
Community Outreach Unit Outreach
- Served as speaker at St. Augustine High School's Homecoming Week Career Exploration Fair. (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator).
- Served as speaker at the Jesus Project Afterschool Program. The presentation focused on Gun Violence Prevention, Drug Abuse Prevention and Career Exploration. (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator).
- Attended and provided federal Victim/Witness information at the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office "Together, We Can End Abuse" domestic violence prevention awareness fair. (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator; Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Participated in the Jefferson Parish Senior Center’s Senior Health Fair. Our office provided DOJ Elder Justice provided information to health fair attendees. (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator).
USA Duane A. Evans Outeach/Presentaions
- Attended the "No Cap Convo Summit" for KIPP NEW Orleans Schools at Booker T. Washington High School. Students participated in discussions about situation they navigate in their lives. (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator).
- Attended the 39th Annual National Night Out Against Crime Event at Milne Recreational Center (Orleans Parish). (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator/Public Affairs Officer, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator, AUSA Edward Rivera).
- Attended the 39th Annual National Night Out Against Crime Event the Pontchartrain Center (Jefferson Parish). (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator/Public Affairs Officer, Melissa Meunier, Victim Witness Unit).
- Attended the New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Attended the opening of Louisiana's Civil Rights Museum. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Attended the Mass to Honor Victims of Violence. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Met with Sheriff James Pohlmann of St. Bernard Parish. (USA Duane A. Evans, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Attended the U.S. Attorney's Conference in Washington, D.C. (USA Duane A. Evans).
Eastern District of Louisiana Outreach
- Coordinated and facilitated the Student Pledge Against Gun Violence SPAGV Initiative with EDLA schools. (USA Duane A. Evans, multiple AUSA's, along with local, state, federal law enforcement).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Served as a speaker for the Metropolitan Crime Commission Award Luncheon. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Attended the Mass For Peace, Justice & Healing for all of those who dedicate their lives to service and community. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Attended the Investiture of Darrel James Papillion as U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Louisiana. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Attended Constitution Day at Loyola University. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Presented with Federal Public Defender Claude Kelly for the Federal Judicial Assistants' Association Annual Conference. (USA Duane Evans).
- Presentation for LSUHSC School of Medicine New Orleans Forensic Psychiatry Case Conference and Lecture Series. (USA Duane A. Evans, FAUSA Michael M. Simpson).
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a panelist for the U.S. District Court's 2023 Power Act Event. (AUSA David Haller).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Along with U.S. Attorney Duane A. Evans, members from the Eastern District of Louisiana staff participated and attended the 24 Annual Southern States Victim AssistanceTraining Conference from August 29 - August 31, 2023 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- Participated in the "Lunch with a Lawyer" Program at Dillard University. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Meet and Greet to Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Meet and Greet to Washington Parish Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Co-Presenter at the August CLE 2023 "Evidence and Procedure" with Judge Tiffany Gautier Chase and City Attorney's CLE. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Meet and Greet to Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Presented at the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) Citizen's Academy. The presentation was an overall summary of the mission of the U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA. (First Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Simpson).
JULY 2023
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Attend the July meeting of the Metropolitan Orleans Bank Security Association (“MOBSA”). (AUSA Brian Klebba).
JUNE 2023
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Meet and Greet to St. John Baptist Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- United Against Hate, Identifying, Reporting, and Preventing Hate Crimes Program at the Jewish Community Center. (USA Duane A. Evans, AUSA Chandra Menon, Criminal Chief/AUSA Tracey Knight, AUSA Robert Adams, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Served as a panelist for the Black Male Summit- Universities of Louisiana. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Attended the Eighth Coast Guard District Change of Command Ceremony. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Attended the DOJ Violent Crime Subcommittee Meeting in Seattle, Washington. (USA Duane. A. Evans).
- Meet and Greet to Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Served as a speaker for the Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy at Tulane University. (USA Duane A. Evans).
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Conducted a presentation on internet safety to the participants of the New Orleans Chapter of the Federal Bar Association’s annual Justice Camp. (AUSA Brian Klebba).
- Gave a presentation on internet safety to the Louisiana State Bar Association's annual Suit Up for the Future Program. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
Community Outreach Unit Outreach
- Attended the Kick-Off Event for New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) Midnight Basketball Program. (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
MAY 2023
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Meet and Greet to Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Meet and Greet to St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- 21st Annual Memorial Service- Louisiana Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial. (USA Duane A. Evans).
APRIL 2023
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Served as a panelist for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (ATF) Law Enforcement Leaders of America program.
- Meet and Greet to Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office. (USA Duane A. Evans, Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator).
- Served as a panelist for the City of New Orleans Public Safety Summit- Our Partners in Blue. A status of law enforcement in New Orleans. (USA Duane A. Evans).
- Presenter a GNO Louis A. Martinet Legal Society's 2023 Midyear CLE. (USA Duane A. Evans).
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a panelist on the Louisiana State Bar Association – 15th Annual White Collar Crime Symposium – Panelist, “Rule 16 and Discovery in the Gigabit Age – Volume, Dumps, and Brady.” (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
- Served as a panelist on the Louisiana State Bar Association – 15th Annual White Collar Crime Symposium – Panelist, “Civil Regulations In Government Proof and What To Do About It.” (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
- Served as a panelist for the Federal Bar Association – 31st Annual Rubin Symposium. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
- Presented federal judicial and career information to students from St. Augustine High School at U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. (AUSA Theodore Carter).
Community Outreach Unit Outreach
- Served as a speaker for the New Orleans Police Department's (NOPD's) Junior Citizen's Academy. Topics included a summary on USAO, EDLA's mission to career opportunities in public service. (Community Outreach Coordinator, Shane M. Jones)
- Attended the New Orleans Police Department's Citizen's Academy graduation ceremony. (Community Outreach Coordinator, Shane M. Jones)
Project Safe Childhood (PSC) Internet Safety Presentation
- Internet Safety Presentation to Holy Name of Jesus School students. The Internet Safety Presentation will cover internet predators, cellphone safety, cyber-bullying, sexting, and the dangers of social media. (AUSA Brian Klebba).
MARCH 2023
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach/Presentations
- Presented at the New Orleans Police Department's Citizen's Academy on the USAO, EDLA's mission.
- Participated, along with additional AUSA's, in the 2023 New Orleans Bar Association CLE Program. (USA Duane A. Evans, AUSA Jordan Ginsberg and AUSA Brittany Reed).
- Attended U.S. Attorney's National Security Conference (Maryland).
- Attended the graduation ceremony for New Orleans Police Department's (NOPD) recruit class #196.
- Attended the Crimestoppers Annual Luncheon.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated in an oral advocacy class for a public interest seminar at Tulane University. (AUSA Robert Adams).
- Presented at the New Orleans Police Department's Citizen's Academy on the USAO, EDLA's mission.
- Presented federal judicial information to students from St. Mary's Dominican High School as a part of the school's field trip to U.S. District Court (AUSA's Lynn Schiffman, Elizabeth Privitera, Jordan Ginsberg, and Andre' Jones)
- Panelist for the New Orleans Bar Association – Bench Bar Conference – Panelist, “View on the Campaign.” (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
Community Outreach Unit
- Facilitated a Student Pledge Against Gun Violence event at Sarah T, Reed High School. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg and Community Outreach Coordinator, Shane M. Jones)
EDLA Outreach
- Served as the moderator for the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana's Women's History Month Event (Women in Law Enforcement). (Criminal Chief, Tracey Knight).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Provided an update regarding roles and mission for the Eastern District of Louisiana to membership of the Metropolitan Crime Commission.
- Participated in the HBCU Legacy Bowl Career Fair at the Ernest Morial Convention Center.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Conducted a presentation at the Loyola Institute of Politics tat covered Politics, Public Corruption, and the Law. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
- Presented to students at Walter L. Cohen High School about the role of prosecutors in the DOJ and U.S. Attorney's Office and the general roles of attorney's in the justice system. (AUSA Brittany Reed).
- Facilitated and moderated a panel on judicial clerkships at Tulane Law School. (Civil Chief, Peter Mansfield).
EDLA Outreach
- Participated in the HBCU Legacy Bowl Career Fair at the Ernest Morial Convention Center (HR Department and EDLA staff)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated and served as a coach for a criminal litigation boot camp at Tulane Law School. (AUSA David Haller).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Served as a guest speaker at the retirement ceremony for New Orleans Police Department Police Superintendent Shaun Ferguson.
USA Duane A. Evans/Community Outreach Unit
- Presented at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, New Orleans Field Division Citizens Academy Graduation ceremony. USA Evans focused on the mission and goals of the U.S. Attorney's Office.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a guest speaker at a Domestic Violence Class at Loyola University. (AUSA Lynn E. Schiffman)
USA Duane A. Evans/Community Outreach Unit
- Attended the 38th Annual National Night Out Against Crime Events (Various Locations)
- Participated in the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) National Faith and Blue Peace Walk in NOPD's 6th District.
Eastern District of Louisiana Outreach
- Coordinated and facilitated the Student Pledge Against Gun Violence SPAGV Initiative with EDLA schools. (USA Duane A. Evans, multiple AUSA's, along with local, state, federal law enforcement).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Attended a mass for Victims and Survivors at St. Louis Cathedral.
- Attended a mass, coordinated by Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office and Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office, to honor Law Enforcement Officers throughout the Metropolitan area.
- Provided an update on the status of federal prosecution in EDLA at the Metropolitan Crime Commission Awards Luncheon.
- Provided keynote address at NOPD Cadet Graduation Ceremony.
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Presented at the New Orleans Police Department Citizens Academy. USA Evans outlined federal prosecutorial procedures.
Elder Justice Outreach
- Elder Justice Presentation at Jefferson Senior focusing on financial, physical and emotional abuse against senior citizens. (AUSA Edward Rivera).
JULY 2022
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Addressed campers at the New Orleans Recreational Development Commission Teen Camp about career development and positive life skills.
- Addressed participants at the Federal Bar Association "Justice Camp".
- Attended a Listening Session for local youth with YouthNOLA/New Orleans Platform For Youth Justice.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a panelist on a session entitled “The Cyber Security Horror Show” as part of the Association of Government Accountant’s annual Professional Development Training. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg).
- Presented to representatives of the U.S. Department of Labor - Employee Benefits Security Administration as part of their annual training about a case study on a successful prosecution.
Community Outreach Unit
- Participated in the World Day Against Trafficking outreach and educational event hosted by Homeland Security Investigations New Orleans Field Office. (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator).
JUNE 2022
MAY 2022
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Attended the Judicial Conference of the Fifth Circuit (Nashville, Tennessee). (USA Duane A. Evans and Civil Chief Peter Mansfield).
- Attended and served as the keynote speaker for the FBI New Orleans Field Office, Fallen Officers Memorial Ceremony.
First Assistant U.S. Attorney (FAUSA) Michael Simpson Outreach / Presentations.
- Attended and served as the keynote speaker for the St. Tammany Parish Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a moderator for the Louisiana State Bar Association's 62nd Bi-Annual Bridging the Gap Seminar. (AUSA Rachal Cassagne)
- Served as a moderator for the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Barristers for Boards CLE & Nonprofit Meet-&-Greet. (AUSA Rachal Cassagne)
APRIL 2022
Eastern District of Louisiana Outreach
- Attended 2022 National Crime Victim's Rights Week Church Service at Abundant Life Tabernacle Baptist Church with law enforcement and non-governmental victim advocates. (Law Enforcement Coordinator, Quinn Smith).
Elder Justice Outreach
- Elder Justice Presentation at Jefferson Senior focusing on financial, physical and emotional abuse against senior citizens. (AUSA Edward Rivera).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Attended Dillard University's Pre-Law Legal Education Advancing Diversity National Law School Signing Day program.
- Attended The United States Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Change of Command Ceremony.
- Presented at the Legal Professionals New Orleans April Meeting. USA Evans focused on the mission and goals of the U.S. Attorney's Office. EDLA.
- Presented at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, New Orleans Field Division Citizens Academy. USA Evans focused on the mission and goals of the U.S. Attorney's Office.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated as a speaker for St. Ann School's (Metairie, La.) career day panel for the middle school. (AUSA, Civil Chief, Peter Mansfield).
- Panelist on two panels as part of the Louisiana State Bar Association’s White Collar Crime symposium (Panels: “Privileged Documents in the Hands of the Government: Taint Team Review” and “Cryptocurrency – Virtual Assets Real Enforcement Issues." (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
Speaker on Louisiana State Bar Association webinar: “Tax Law and the IRS.” Topic: “Managing a Federal Criminal Tax Prosecution.” (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
MARCH 2022
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Attended the Greater New Orleans, Inc Luncheon.
- Participated as a judge for the Louisiana State High School Mock Trial competition.
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Press Conference announcing "Violent Crime Abatement Enhanced Initiative".
- Appeared on WWL Radio Newell Normand Show to discuss the "Violent Crime Abatement Enhanced Initiative"
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a a speaker at the GNO Chapter of the Louis A. Martinet Legal Society's 7th Annual Pathways and Pipelines to Success event to engage with practicing lawyers who provided information about the practice of civil and criminal law. (AUSA Brittany Reed)
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Participated in the EAST NEW ORLEANS NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMISSION Virtual General Meeting regarding general EDLA office information and emgaging in a community listening session.
- Attended and presented at The Metropolitan Crime Commission Awards Ceremony.
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- AUSA Brian M. Klebba, discussed internet safety with 6th and 7th graders at Immaculate Conception School in Marrero, LA as part of the DOJ’s Project Safe Childhood initiative. (AUSA Brian M. Klebba, Chief of the Financial Crimes Unit).
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Attended the Commencement Exercises for NOPD's Recruitment Class #193.
- Attended Dillard University's Justice Revious O. Ortique Jr. Lecture on Law and Society. DOJ's Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke served as the keynote speaker.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- AUSA Brian M. Klebba, Chief of the Financial Crimes Unit, participated in Career Day at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in uptown New Orleans. (AUSA Brian Klebba, Chief of the Financial Crimes Unit).
Community Outreach Unit
- Attended the Collective Voices & Office of Gun Violence Prevention Peacemaking Training (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator)
Elder Abuse Outreach
- Presented to staff at the Orleans Council on Aging (Topic: Elder Abuse, Scams and Fraud Prevention/Money Mule Prevention). (AUSA Edward Rivera, Elder Justice Coordinator and Shane Jones Community Outreach Coordinator)
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Attended the Red Mass, a Catholic mass for judges, lawyers, and others in legal professions celebrated at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans. (USA Duane A. Evans. Civil Division Chief Peter Mansfield)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Presentation to the Pre Law Society at Loyola University discussing careers in the law. (AUSA Brian M. Klebba, Chief of the Financial Crimes Unit)
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Conducted 2 presentations at Ursuline Academy focusing on internet safety. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
JULY 2021
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Presented at a dogfighting investigation workshop hosted by the Humane Society of Louisiana and the Tangipahoa Sheriff’s Office. (AUSA Jonathan Shih).
Community Outreach Unit
- Participated in a Community Public Safety Walk with the New Orleans Police Department 2nd District officers and supervisors. (Community Outreach Coordinator, Shane M. Jones)
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Presentation to a group of students as part of the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Suit Up for the Future Program. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
Elder Abuse Outreach
- Presented to residents at Poydras House Retirement Community (Topic: Elder Abuse, Scams ad Fraud Prevention). (AUSA Edward Rivera, Elder Justice Coordinator and Shane Jones Community Outreach Coordinator)
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Presented a virtual Internet Safety Presentation to participants at the Federal Bar Association’s annual Justice Camp program. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
JUNE 2021
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated in St. Scholastica Academy's Career Day in Covington, LA. (AUSA Mary Katherine Kaufman)
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach
- Attended "Talk For Justice" workshop for gun violence prevention. Hosted by the City of New Orleans Mayor's Office of Gun Violence Prevention. (USA Duane A. Evans, AUSA Elizabeth Privitera, and Community Outreach Coordinator Shane M. Jones)
- Presented to the FBI New Orleans Field Office Citizens Academy on DOJ’s Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Violent Crime
MAY 2021
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Ursuline Academy (AUSA Brian Klebba)
APRIL 2021
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Served as a judge during the final mock trial for Tulane’s trial advocacy program. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
- Participated in a panel entitled “White Collar and Public Corruption” as part of the LA State Bar Association’s 13th Annual White Collar Crime Symposium. (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
- Participated in St. Scholastica Career Day (AUSA Mary Katherine Kaufman)
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Crimestoppers virtual interview with Darlene Cusanza for National Crime Victims' Rights Week)
Community Outreach Unit
- Coordinated and participated in National Crime Victims' Rights Week events {April 18-24, 2021} (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator and Brandi Calagna, Victim Witness Coordinator)
MARCH 2021
USA Duane A. Evans Outreach / Presentations
- Conducted a presentation to the New Orleans Rregional Leadership Institute about the mission, goals and operations of the U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
U.S. Attorney Strasser term exit interviews with local media
- WWL Radio (Newell Normand Show)
- The New Orleans Advocate
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Loyola Institute of Politics (Lecture on political corruption)
- Attended the District Attorney of New Orleans swearing-in ceremony
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Participated in a Zoom meeting with the Metropolitan Crime Commission Board of Directors to discuss the role and work of the U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA.
- With the FBI New Orleans Field Office SAC, spoke at the Franklin Avenue Baptist Church to faith leaders about street and domestic violence.
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Panelist, International Investigator’s Series (London) Webinar – “Investigating Crime in the 21st Century”
- Lecture/Discussion on “Prosecutorial Discretion and Grand Juries” at Tulane Law School, class on Constitutional Criminal Procedure (Zoom)
JUNE 2020
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Advocate Op-ed: “Justice Department will continue to work for better law enforcement”
- DOJ Podcast: Three-part “Justice Stories” episodes on “The prosecution of former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards”
APRIL 2020
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- U.S. Attorney Strasser discussed the criminal danger from Covid-19 fraud and other schemes:
- WVUE TV News with John Snell
- Crimestoppers Podcast with Darlene Cusanza
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated in a session of the New Orleans Chapter of the Federal Bar Association’s Justice Camp 2020. During the livestream presentation, I spoke to 9th and 10th graders on the topic of safety on the Internet (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
MARCH 2020
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
U.S. Attorney Strasser discussed the criminal danger from Covid-19 fraud and other schemes:
- WWL Radio with Newell Normand
- WDSU TV News with Travers Mackel
- WWL TV News with Katie Moore
- BL&SS Financial Crime podcast in Canada
- The Advocate, Guest column: Federal law enforcement on the lookout for scams, fraud
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Loyola Institute of Politics (Lecture on political corruption)
- Appeared on WWL's Newell Normand Radio Show to discuss the AG’s immigration enforcement priorities
- Attended the GNO, Inc. Annual Meeting
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Presented at Tulane Law School on January 6, 2020, on interviewing law enforcement witnesses (AUSA Myles Ranier)
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Presented at the Young Presidents’ Organization, Louisiana Chapter (Topic: “Crime Trends in New Orleans”)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Addressed the Carrollton Rotary Club about the Department of Justice Elder Justice Initiative (AUSA Edward Rivera, Elder Justice Coordinator)
- Participated in Career Day for Jesuit High School (AUSA Peter Mansfield, Civil Chief)
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Internet Safety Presentation at St. Andrew's Episcopal School (AUSA Brian Klebba, Project Safe Childhood Coordinator)
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Attended NOPD recruit graduation
- Participated as an instructor at DOJ’s National Advocacy Center, Columbia, SC (Topics: Trial Skills; Handling Accomplice Witnesses).
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Gave remarks to the Home Defense Foundation about violent crime in New Orleans
- Presentation to the Navy League on China’s Three Warfares concept
- Lecture at Louisiana State University Law School on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Participated as mock trial judge at Tulane Law School
- Gave remarks to Tulane University’s Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity about being a federal prosecutor
- U.S. State Department & New Orleans Citizen Diplomacy Council: Presentation to visiting law enforcement officials from Mexico (Topic: Police Corruption) (USA Peter Strasser, AUSA Myles Ranier, AUSA David Haller)
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Internet Safety Presentation at Isadore Newman School (AUSA Brian Klebba, Project Safe Childhood Coordinator)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated in Loyola Law School National Moot Court (AUSA Gregory Kennedy)
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Presented at the State Department’s “U.S. Speaker Program” in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to several groups, including the Mongolian Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC) and the Mongolian Bar Association (Topic: Anticorruption)
- Presented at the Young Presidents’ Organization, Louisiana Chapter (Topic: Cyber Crimes & National Security)
- Participated in a panel discussion at Tulane Law School (Topic: “Mastering Closing Argument”)
- Gave remarks to the Tulane Men’s Basketball Team (Topic: Moral and Ethical Guideposts)
Community Outreach Unit
- Participated and served as an exihibitor at the South Louisiana Youth Summit on Opiod Awarenes (Shane M.Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator)
- Attended 36th National Night Out Against Crime Kick Off Event (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator)
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Internet Safety Presentation at St. Michael's Episcopal School (AUSA Brian Klebba, Project Safe Childhood Coordinator)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated as a panelist in a Federal Bar Association (FBA)/Young Lawyer Division (YLD) sponsored event entitled “Building and Leveraging Relationships to Jump Start Your Career.” (AUSA Duane Evans)
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Participated as an instructor at the International Law Enforcement Academy, Bangkok, Thailand, at a week-long course for Southeast Asian prosecutors (Topic: Anticorruption & Asset Recovery)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Presented at the Jackson County (Michigan) Health Department general staff meeting (Topic: Sex Trafficking 101) (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
- Presented at Tulane University (Topic: The role of the federal prosecutor and an overview of the federal criminal justice system) (AUSA Brian Klebba)
- Attended NOPD recruit graduation (FAUSA Michael Simpson)
- Participated in a week long training in Cali, Colombia on the basics of effective trial advocacy for a group of approximately 60 Colombian prosecutors (AUSA David Haller)
Elder Abuse Outreach
- Presented at the St. James Parish Sheriffs Office Senior Expo (Topic: Elder Abuse and Romance Scams) (AUSA Edward Rivera, Elder Justice Coordinator and Shane Jones Community Outreach Coordinator)
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Participated in the New Orleans Bar Association Free on Fridays Tech CLE Series (Topic: Law & Tech Talk: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity)
- Presented at the Crimefighters Association of Louisiana (Topic: Federal Crimes)
JULY 2019
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Appeared on WDSU's "Hot Seat" with Travers Mackel to discuss the AG’s four priority areas of criminal prosecution (Cyber-attacks, opioid deaths, gang violence, and elder fraud)
- Appeared on WWL's Newell Normand Radio Show to discuss the AG’s four priority areas of criminal prosecution (cyber-attacks, opioid deaths, gang violence, and elder fraud)
- Participated in a panel discussion with the U.S. Attorneys from the Middle and Western Districts of Louisiana at the Louisiana District Attorney's annual conference to discuss federal interaction with state prosecutors and federal charging decisions
- Gave opening remarks at the Louisiana Language Access Coalition Conference on the topic of “Securing the Future of Language Access in Louisiana”
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Internet Safety Presentation at Greater St. Stephen Baptist Church (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Participated in a panel discussion entitled "The Spy Within" as a part of the Association of Government Accountants (AGA) conference "What Does the Future of Government Look Like?" at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
JUNE 2019
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Attended Crimestoppers Partnership Reception
- Gave opening remarks at the OCDETF Southeast and Florida Caribbean Regional Advisory Council Meeting
- Attended NOPD recruit graduation
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Presented about the role and duties of the U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA to the NOPD Citizens Police Academy (FAUSA Michael Simpson)
- Participated in the panel discussion "Leveaging Partnerships to Fight Violent Crime" at the Major Cities Chiefs Conference, a collaborative effort with the New Orleans Police Department, the DOJ Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Major Cities Chiefs Association (AUSA Elizabeth Privitera)
- Presented at the 2019 Federal Bar Association Justice Camp. Topic "Understanding the Rule of Law in Today's Society" (AUSA Duane Evans)
- Served as a guest speaker at the Gulf Coast Elder Abuse Conference & Financial Exploitation Conclave reporting on the US Attorney’s Role in Financial Exploitation (AUSA Edward Rivera)
MAY 2019
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Presentation to Metropolitan Crime Commission regarding the U.S. Attorney's Office's mission and priorities
- Presentation to the St. John the Baptist Parish Business Association regarding the U.S. Attorney's Office's mission and priorities
- Presentation to the St. Charles Parish Rotary Club regarding the U.S. Attorney's Office's mission and priorities
Community Outreach Unit
- Joshua Butler Elementary School Project LEAD culmination field trip to U.S. Attorney's Office (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator and Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator)
- Project LEAD Program (Legal Enrichment And Decision Making) Mock Trial with students from Concordia Lutheran School (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator and Quinn Smith, Law Enforcement Coordinator)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- InfraGard meeting on port security overview highlighting the U.S. Attorney's Office's role in maritime and port security (AUSA Gregory Kennedy)
- Louisiana State Bar Association "Suit Up For The Future" program presentation focusing on paths to being an AUSA, the functions of the U.S. Attorney's Office, the prosecution of crimes against children, and the importance of internet safety and appropriate online behavior (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
APRIL 2019
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Tulane Law School (Mock Trial)
- Greater New Orleans, Inc. Board Meeting about the missions and priorities of the USAO
- U.S. State Department and New Orleans Citizen Diplomacy Council. Speech to visiting law enforcement officials from 24 countries on the topic “Towards a More Safe and Secure World: Cooperative Efforts In Combatting Transnational Crime” (USA Peter Strasser, FAUSA Michael Simpson, AUSA Gregory Kennedy)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Tulane Law School lecture on Federal Criminal Law (AUSA Gregory Kennedy)
- 2019 Human Trafficking Summit (AUSA Julia Evans)
- 11th Annual New Orleans White Collar Crime Symposium - Panel Discussion:
- Screening and Charging Decisions-Civil Considerations - Panel Discussion (FAUSA Michael M. Simpson)
- Discovery and Brady (AUSA Jordan Ginsburg)
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Internet Safety Presentation at St. Martin’s Episcopal School (AUSA Bryan Klebba)
Community Outreach Unit
- House of Worship Security Symposium at Tulane University (FBI, DHS, USAO, EDLA, and ADL) (AUSA David Sinkman)
- New Orleans East Neighborhood Association Meeting (McKendall Estates) Crime Prevention Information (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator)
MARCH 2019
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- FBI Citizens Academy - Presentation on role and duties of the USAO.
- Remarks to Graduation Class of Corrections Officers for Plaquemines Parish Jail
- St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church "Taking Flight Boys Academy (USA Strasser, and EDLA Youth Engagement Program)
- Hosted a group of visiting foreign prosecutors and judges on a U.S. State Department Study Tour (USA Strasser, AUSA David Sinkman)
- Civil Rights PowerPoint presentation (AUSA David Sinkman)
- American Bar Association Conference; White Collar Crime Conference- Panel Discussion:
- Relations Between Corporate General Counsel and DOJ (USA Strasser)
- Best Practices for Effective Trial Advocacy in White Collar Criminal Cases: Perspectives from the Defense, Prosecution, and the Bench (AUSA Sharan Lieberman)
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Opioid Overdose Seminar (AUSA Brandon Long, EDLA Opioid Abuse Prevention Coordinator)
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- Metropolitan Crime Commission Award Luncheon (USA Strasser addressed those in attendance: Role of U.S. Attorney's Office in Criminal Justice System). Honored at the Luncheon for U.S. vs. Kieffer / Scott case (AUSA David Haller, AUSA Michael McMahon, Paralegal Laura Orth, Legal Assistant Lauren Hepting, and Legal Administration Specialist Cynthia Browne)
- USA Strasser, First Assistant Michael Simpson, Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Fred Harper, and Criminal Chief Richard Pickens met with with visiting judges from Saudi Arabia to discuss strategies to address public corruption
- Loyola Institute of Politics (Lecture on political corruption)
Community Outreach Unit
- Conducting Project LEAD Program for local schools (February 2019 - May 2019)
- Black History Presentation (James Meredith Civil Rights Case Re-enactment with U.S. District Court Eastern District of Louisiana and Tulane University Law School
USA Peter G. Strasser Outreach/Presentations
- USA Strasser presented about the role and duties of the U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA at the NOPD Citizens Police Academy
- Local Baptist and Muslim clergy meetings about role of the U.S. Attorney's Office and how faith-based communities can work better with the office
- Attended NOPD recruit graduation
Assistant U.S. Attorney Outreach
- Jesuit High School Career Day (AUSA Peter Mansfield)
USA Peter G. Strasser Presentations
- Second Annual St. Tammany Criminal Justice System Report Luncheon
- Human Trafficking Presentation at the Audubon Tea Room. Hosted by Eden House
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- St. Martin’s Episcopal School (AUSA Brian Klebba)
- Ursuline Academy (AUSA Brian Klebba)
- Archbishop Chapelle High School (AUSA Brian KLebba)
Miscellaneous USAO, EDLA Presentations
- FBI Financial Investigation Seminar (AUSA Brian Klebba)
USA Peter G. Strasser Presentations
- Louisiana State University Law School (Lecture on Foreign Corrupt Practice Act)
- Anti-Defamation League Conference
- 35th National Night Out Against Crime: Locations in Orleans and Jefferson Parishes
- Tulane University Law School (Lecture on Effective Closing Argument)
- Attended NOPD recruit graduation
Project Safe Childhood Internet Safety Presentations
- Holy Name of Jesus School (AUSA Brian Klebba)
- Jewish Community Day School (AUSA Brian Klebba)
USAO, EDLA University/College Presentations or Events
- Loyola University; Role of Federal Prosecutors in the Criminal Justice System (AUSA Brian Klebba)
- Tulane University Law School; Diversity Panel (AUSA Brittany Reed)
- Tulane University Graduate Business School; (Role of Federal Prosecutors and Overview of the Federal Criminal Justice System (AUSA Brian Klebba)
- Career Fairs-Southern University at New Orleans/Xavier University of Louisiana (Erin Serio, Human Resources Coordinator)
Miscellaneous USAO, EDLA Presentations
- USAO participates in trial advocacy program with local high school students (AUSA Brittany Reed)
- DOJ agencies (U.S. Attorney's Office, EDLA and Drug Enforcement Administration) participate in National Red Ribbon Week (Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator and Law Enforcement Coordinator, Quinn Smith
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Organization Seminar (AUSA Jordan Ginsberg)
Opioid Abuse Presentations
- USAO, EDLA and Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office Opioid Abuse Presentation (AUSA Brandon Long)
- Spring Lake Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting (AUSA Brandon Long/Shane M. Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator)
Miscellaneous USAO, EDLA Presentations
- U.S. Department of Justice National Public Safety Partnership; Innovative Prosecution Strategies to Fight Crime (AUSA Eliabeth Privitera)
- USAO, EDLA participates in Constitution Day 2018 (AUSA Peter Mansfield)