Press Release
Roland City Employee Sentenced To 6 Months, $100,000 Restitution For Theft Of Federal Program Funds
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Oklahoma
MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA - The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Oklahoma, announced that JOETTA TYLER-HYDE, age 54, of Sallisaw, Oklahoma, was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment, followed by 6 months on home detention and 3 years of supervised release for Theft of Federal Program Funds, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 666. The defendant was also ordered to pay $100,505.66 in restitution.
The charges arose from an investigation by the Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Information alleged that from in or about July, 2009, through in or about January, 2013, within the Eastern District of Oklahoma, JOETTA TYLER-HYDE, the defendant herein, being an employee of the City of Roland, said organization receiving in any one year period from 2009 through 2013, benefits in excess of $10,000.00 from the United States, embezzled, stole, and intentionally misapplied property worth at least $5,000.00 which was under the care, custody and control of such organization.
The Honorable James H. Payne, District Judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma, presided over the hearing. The defendant was ordered to report to the Bureau of Prisons on September 15, 2015, where she will serve her nonparolable sentence.
Assistant United States Attorney Chris Wilson represented the United States.
Updated July 24, 2015