Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee
The Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) was established on July 21, 1981 in all 94 U. S. Attorneys' Offices by order of the United States Attorney General. The LECC provides a networking focus for law enforcement executives committed to the ideal of cooperation and coordination at all levels of local, state, tribal and federal law enforcement. Acting U. S. Attorney Joe Harrington continues the Office's historical commitment to cooperation and partnerships with fellow law enforcement agencies directly and indirectly through his Law Enforcement Coordination Manager, Dwayne Ford.
The LECC sponsors and co-sponsors training seminars for federal, state and local law enforcement agencies addressing a variety of subjects such as Criminal Intelligence, Gang Enforcement, Anti-Terrorism, Rural Drug Enforcement, Project Safe Neighborhood Training and many other topics to help officials stay abreast of the latest information. The LECC is the primary sponsor and manages the Law Enforcement Mountain Operations school, which is a United States/Canada joint project, that has recevied international recognition as a model of partnership and innovation. Through these seminars and various meetings, the LECC also provides a forum for the open exchange of ideas and information among law enforcement agency members and will continue to lend support to facilitating cooperative and joint law enforcement operations.
Additionally, Mr.Ford coordinates activities to promote citizen awareness, such as providing speakers for community and school groups; and initiatives designed to promote crime reduction and prevention, such as Project Safe Neighborhood, Street Smarts, Internet Safety, Drug Awareness and Red Ribbon Week presentations.
Request for speakers or presentations, questions or comments may be addressed to:
Dwayne E. Ford
U.S. Attorney’s Office
Eastern Distict of Washington
920 W. Riverside Ave. Ste. 340
Spokane, WA 99210
Office - (509) 353-2767