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Press Release

Assistant United States Attorney Laurel Holland Named HSI Prosecutor of the Year for Eastern Washington

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Washington

Spokane, Washington – United States Attorney Vanessa Waldref announced Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Laurel Holland was selected as the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Prosecutor of the Year for the Eastern District of Washington.

Three people stand for a photo. The person in the middle is holding an award.

AUSA Holland is a founding member of the U.S. Attorney’s Branch Office in Richland, Washington, joining the office in June 2023. Throughout her career, which has included service as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Benton County and as an AUSA in Yakima, Washington, AUSA Holland has been recognized for her extensive work prosecuting cases involving the exploitation of young children.

A recent example is the prosecution of Lucas Murphy. In August 2024, Murphy was convicted of Online Enticement of a Minor for abducting a minor from Kennewick, Washington, to New Mexico. AUSA Holland’s relentless pursuit of justice was instrumental to holding Murphy accountable.

In just the past year alone, AUSA Holland prosecuted several significant child exploitation offenders. For example, she obtained a significant sentence for Tri-cities man, who attempted to meet a 13-year old for sex in United States v. Julio Cesar Anaya. She obtained a fifteen year sentence in United States v. Gerald Alan Nott against a repeat offender, who distributed more than 1600 child pornography images, using his parents’ home internet in Richland, Washington.  In United States v. Bret Michael Emineth and Malesa Hale, she and co-counsel obtained a 30 year sentence and a 28 year sentence for two co-defendants who had sexually and physically abused their victim for over four years. Her efforts provide victims with a sense of resolution, supported by the victim assistance resources she ensures are available throughout the legal process.

AUSA Holland stated, “The U.S. Attorney’s Office could not do this important work without the support of HSI and the Southeast Regional Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.  The dedication of these agents and officers to protecting vulnerable children makes a lasting impact to our communities, keeping Eastern Washington safe and strong.”

“Assistant United States Attorney Laurel Holland is tireless in her pursuit of justice on behalf of the young and most vulnerable among us. She approaches each case with compassion for the victim and is dedicated to holding offenders accountable,” stated U.S. Attorney Waldref. “Her skill expands beyond her advocacy. AUSA Holland spends considerable time training and mentoring law enforcement and prosecutors. I am proud to count AUSA Holland as a member of our office and offer my sincere congratulations for this well-deserved honor.” 


Robert Curry 

Public Affairs Specialist 

Updated December 13, 2024

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