Lockhart Magnet Students Participate in Mock Trial
Fifth grade students from Lockhart Magnet School recently embarked upon a field trip to downtown Tampa recently for a visit to the Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse. The visit was hosted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
The day began with the mock trial of “Jack and the Beanstalk” before U.S. Magistrate Judges Anthony Porcelli and Amanda Arnold Sansone. Students served as jurors, defendants, and witnesses while the AUSAs fought a good fight in the roles of prosecutors and defense attorneys. In the end, Jack was convicted.
After the trial, the group was treated to a visit from U.S. District Judge Mary S. Scriven, who spoke to the students about setting goals, sticking to them, and plotting their futures. She even let one student don her black robe.
Many of the students who attended the field trip are also part of the USAO-Lockhart Lunch Buddies Program that pairs students with volunteers from the USAO. Staff members visit with students during their 30-minute lunch period on a regular basis and serve as mentors throughout the school year. This visit to the courthouse gave the students a chance to see their mentors in courtroom action.