Report a Crime
Bank and Financial Institution Fraud | FBI / Secret Service |
Child Exploitation/Child Pornography | FBI / ICE |
Civil Rights Abuse | FBI |
Computer Crimes | FBI |
Consumer Fraud | FBI / OIG |
Counterfeiting | Secret Service |
Credit Card Fraud | Secret Service |
Drugs | DEA |
Environmental Crime | FBI / EPA |
Firearms, Explosives, and Arson | ATF |
Fugitives | U.S. Marshals Service |
Hate Crimes | FBI |
Health Care Fraud |
Health and Human Services |
Identity Theft | Secret Service |
Immigration Crime | |
Mail Fraud | U.S. Postal Inspection Service |
Other Fraud on Government | FBI |
Passport and Visa Fraud | State Department, Bureau of Diplomatic Security |
Public Corruption | FBI Public Corruption Hotline 1-888-722-1225 |
Tax Fraud | IRS |
Telemarketing Fraud | FBI |
Terrorism | FBI |
Threats Against U.S. Presidents | Secret Service |
Violent Crime | FBI |
Updated December 8, 2020