R.I.C.H. House Visit to the USAO in Tampa
The Tampa office hosted 20 kids from the City of Tampa’s R.I.C.H. (Resources in Community Hope) House summer camps. The R.I.C.H. Houses offer area children tutoring, homework assistance, summer camps and holiday parties, and a food pantry for families in need. Serving as safe havens and community centers, the R.I.C.H. Houses offer a place for constructive activities and positive interaction with law enforcement. The first “house” opened in Sulphur Springs 12 years ago, and was funded with a “Weed and Seed” grant. The second “house” opened in Robles Park in May 2013.
As part of their visit to the USAO, the kids were given an overview of the Department and of our office. Next, they were paired with staff members to prepare for a mock trial. Students worked with USAO staff volunteers to prepare for their roles in the trial, and to gain a better understanding of the work we do and the different career options within the legal field.
After the trial, the U.S. Attorney spoke to the group about the importance of reading, being a good student, and finding your passion in life.
The day ended with the U.S. Attorney leading the students in a Pledge Against Gun Violence.
A good day was had by all.