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USAO Outreach Team Visits Boone High School Criminal Justice and Law Magnet Programs
This week, Assistant United States Attorneys Jeremy Bloor, Jennifer Harrington, and Amanda Daniels met with students from the Criminal Justice and Law magnet programs at Boone High School in Orlando. The USAO team visited with more than 50 students during 3 separate class periods.
The mission of the Boone High School magnet program is to develop young talent from within the community, ultimately returning students to a place of service in an agency within the criminal justice system. Students in this program learn about the history of policing; local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies; police ethics; the court systems (adult and juvenile); criminal law; and corrections.
AUSAs Bloor, Harrington, and Daniels gave the students an overview of the USAO’s mission and the intricate role federal prosecutors play in the criminal justice system. The AUSAs discussed the importance of working collaboratively across systems while interacting with an array of federal, state, and local law enforcement and community partners.
There are definitely some future lawyers in this group!
Updated March 28, 2022
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