Employment Security Forms
Special Assistant U.S. Attorney - Security Forms
Dual Citizenship - Applicant certifies s/he is a dual citizen with the U.S. and another country Submit the above and submit one copy of the following, if applicable:
Letter of explanation stating why the applicant feels s/he is a dual citizen with the U.S. and another country;
OFI-36 - Single Scope, Additional Data for Single Scope Background Investigations and Other Background Investigations.
This form is only applicable under the following conditions:
Immediate family members are resident aliens or U.S. citizens other than by birth;
Current spouse is foreign born
Co-inhabitant(s) and any other persons to whom applicant is bound by affection or obligation who may be subject to duress by a foreign power
If the OFI-36 is applicable, also complete the Foreign National Relatives or Associates form describing the nature, frequency, and degree of your contact. The form can be found in the above listed Dual Citizenship information bullet.
Please either Federal Express forms directly to the following address or make an appointment to have hand delivered to:
Human Resources Office
United States Attorney's Office
District of New Jersey
970 Broad Street
Room 700
Newark, NJ 07102
For additional information, please contact:
Edna Syjongtian (973) 645-2809