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Press Release

Justice Department Seeks to Shut down South Florida Tax Return Preparers

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Florida

WASHINGTON – The United States filed a civil injunction suit seeking to bar Dimary Cordero, aka Dimary Cordero Torres, and her businesses—NMB Accounting and Tax Services LLC (NMB), and WFS Accounting and Tax Services LLC (WFS)—from owning or operating a tax return preparation business and preparing tax returns for others, the Justice Department announced today. The complaint also seeks an order that Cordero, NMB and WFS disgorge ill-gotten fees that they obtained through their alleged misconduct.

According to the complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Cordero operates tax preparation stores in North Miami Beach and Miami, Florida through her businesses. The complaint alleges that the defendants falsely increase their customers’ refunds and profit through high, often undisclosed fees, at the expense of their customers and the Treasury.

The complaint alleges that the defendants engage in the following misconduct:

  • Falsely claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit;
  • Fabricating businesses and related business income and expenses;
  • Fabricating deductions, such as personal expenses and phony job-related expenses;
  • Claiming education credits based on fabricated education-related expenses and
  • Charging deceptive and unconscionable fees.

In the past decade, the Tax Division has obtained injunctions against hundreds of unscrupulous tax preparers. Information about these cases is available on the Justice Department’s website. An alphabetical listing of persons enjoined from preparing returns and promoting tax schemes can be found on this page. If you believe that one of the enjoined persons or businesses may be violating an injunction, please contact the Tax Division with details.

Updated November 25, 2019