Blog Post
Dominican Republic: ICITAP Helps National Police Reduce Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
On July 19, the Director-General of the Dominican National Police officially approved through a General Order, the restructuring of the Specialized Directorate for Attention to Women and Domestic Violence (DEAMVI), designed under the technical assistance of the USAID-supported ICITAP mission in the Dominican Republic. The structure was the result of ICITAP and DNP personnel designing a comprehensive competencies and responsibilities manual. The approval of this updated structure reinforces the process of officially recording existing positions and functions, thus easing new appointments to foster growth and development of the Directorate. As a result of this process, the directorate has filled 101 positions following its updated structure and manual. The filling of positions contributes to a more significant correlation between the required profiles and the designated profiles, improving operations within the directorate and building a more efficient and effective organization.
Updated January 20, 2025