1873. Appeal of Agency Denial of Request for Exception to Department of Justice Drug Evidence Destruction Policy (28 C.F.R. §50.21; JM 9-100.100)
Prosecuting office contact / telephone ____________________________________
Agency contact / telephone _____________________________________________
Agency exhibit no(s). __________________________________________________
Drug quantity and type _________________________________________________
Quantity prosecutor requests retained _____________________________________
Reason(s) for retention* (include case status; add additional pages if necessary)
*Prosecutors are strongly discouraged from filing an exception request on the grounds that the full seizure is needed for jury appeal or other purely strategic purposes.
Please include copies of:
You may also include a brief explanatory memorandum.
Please send completed form and supporting documentation to:
Via e-mail: Destruction_Appeals@usdoj.gov
[updated June 2012] [cited in JM 9-100.100]