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Chapter 7 Closed Cases And Total Receipts By State

January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002


Note: There are no USTP field offices in Washintgon DC, North Dakota, or Vermont. Washington DC is included with Virginia cases; North Dakota is included with South Dakota cases; & Vermont is included with New York cases.
Summary of Chapter 7 Statistics by State
State # Cases Closed Total Receipts
ALASKA 80 2,961,497
ARIZONA 2,471 25,091,412
ARKANSAS 174 12,529,856
CALIFORNIA 1,882 224,306,575
COLORADO 942 17,766,964
CONNECTICUT 330 18,049,744
DELAWARE 17 1,374,654
FLORIDA 5,195 90,643,599
GEORGIA 406 30,817,155
HAWAII 67 9,141,154
IDAHO 745 8,464,252
ILLINOIS 930 50,331,685
INDIANA 1,089 23,676,448
IOWA 719 4,775,715
KANSAS 1,110 7,611,696
KENTUCKY 969 17,566,348
LOUISIANA 1,802 27,167,307
MAINE 314 6,602,270
MARYLAND 414 12,466,046
MASSACHUSETTS 402 39,860,995
MICHIGAN 942 37,753,115
MINNESOTA 857 11,132,871
MISSISSIPPI 83 9,441,947
MISSOURI 1,005 16,367,901
MONTANA 547 5,302,250
NEBRASKA 129 2,264,630
NEVADA 1,928 14,736,183
NEW HAMPSHIRE 47 3,929,129
NEW JERSEY 585 63,752,005
NEW MEXICO 26 1,309,777
NEW YORK 2,074 111,428,228
NORTH DAKOTA 95 2,698,229
OHIO 3,910 49,792,403
OKLAHOMA 685 7,862,543
OREGON 1,377 27,271,329
PENNSYLVANIA 455 60,006,268
PUERTO RICO 79 9,194,627
RHODE ISLAND 74 8,014,709
SOUTH CAROLINA 173 7,899,438
SOUTH DAKOTA 222 3,508,506
TENNESSEE 531 15,901,413
TEXAS 923 81,623,367
UTAH 504 12,276,412
VERMONT 49 463,241
VIRGINIA 490 20,448,278
WASHINGTON 298 26,746,468
WEST VIRGINIA 176 5,943,330
WISCONSIN 530 14,432,220
WYOMING 527 2,405,650
Totals 39,379 1,265,111,842

Receipts = Funds administered by Chapter 7 Trustees in 2002 closed cases.

Updated December 9, 2020