Report Suspected Bankruptcy Fraud
To report suspected bankruptcy fraud, please prepare a written summary that contains the following information.
Requested Information
- Name and address of the person or business you are reporting.
- The name of the bankruptcy case, case number, and the location of where the case was filed.
- Any identifying information you may have regarding the individual or the business.
- A brief description of the alleged fraud, including how you became aware of the fraud and when the fraud took place. Please include all supporting documentation.
- Identify the type of asset that was concealed and its estimated dollar value, or the amount of any unreported income, undervalued asset, or other omitted asset or claim.
- Your name, address, telephone number, and email address.
- You are not required to identify yourself, though it is often helpful to do so if questions arise.
The likelihood of further investigation and possible criminal prosecution is increased for those matters where supporting documentation and specific factual information are provided. Any information you provide is voluntary and its maintenance by the United States Trustee Program is authorized by 28 U.S.C. § 586.
You can send this information via email to:
or by mail to:
Office of the U.S. Trustee
ATTN: Office of Criminal Enforcement
George C. Young Federal Building and Courthouse
400 W. Washington Street, Suite 1100
Orlando, FL 32801
Matters may also be referred directly to the local office of the United States Trustee. Complete listing of office addresses and telephone numbers.
Please be advised that it is U.S. Department of Justice policy that criminal investigations may not be disclosed. Therefore, the USTP will neither confirm nor deny whether a matter may have been referred or whether it may or may not be under investigation. This means that you will only be contacted if it is necessary to obtain further information; otherwise, the USTP will not respond to your submission.
Please be advised that the information you submit may be disclosed to a bankruptcy trustee when the information is needed to perform the trustee’s duties, to a law enforcement authority when the information is relevant to the recipient entity’s law enforcement responsibilities, or to an entity that possesses information relevant to the investigation when disclosure of information is necessary to solicit from such entity information pertinent to the investigation. Other disclosures may be made for routine purposes. For a discussion of the types of routine disclosures that may be made, you may consult the Executive Office for United States Trustee’s systems of records notice, UST-004, “U.S. Trustee Program Case Referral System.” See 71 Fed. Reg. 59, 818 et seq. (Oct. 11, 2006).
A copy of the notice may be obtained on the following page: Rules, Guidelines & Notices in the Federal Register.