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US Government Reports

U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of Labor
Congressional Research Services
US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
  • Information on Voodoo practices - Jan. 1999


Foreign Government Reports

Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
  • BENIN.docx (

    • ZZZ105762.FE - Angola and Benin: The right to Angolan citizenship for a child born in Angola to an Angolan mother; recognition of dual nationality by Angola and Benin - Mar. 2017
    • BEN105406.FE -  Domestic violence, including availability of state protection and support services - Feb. 2016 
    • BEN105386.FE - Criminality, including organized crime, measures taken by the state and their effectiveness; state protection available to witnesses and victims of crime - Feb. 2016
    • BEN105509.FE - Kings in northern Benin, specifically in Borgou department; extent of their power in comparison with the power of political and civil authorities; a king’s ability to force a woman to marry him; remedies available to a woman who refuses to marry a king - Apr. 2016
    • BEN105244.FE - Treatment of sexual minorities by society and the authorities, including legislation, state protection provided and support services - July 2015
Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo)
  • Female genital mutilation of women in West Africa - Jan. 2009


Non-Government Organization Reports

Amnesty International
  • Amnesty International Reports: The state of the World’s Human Right - Apr. 2024Mar. 2023
  • “Displaced for Coconut Palms” Forced Evictions for Tourism and Coastal Development in Benin - Dec. 2023
  • Anti-Corruption Fight in Peril – Crackdown on Anti-Corruption Human Rights Defenders in West and Central Africa - July 2023
  • The State of African Regional Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms 2019-2020 - Oct. 2020
Country Maps
Election Guide
Freedom House
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
  • Country Report on internal displacement in 2021 - December 2021
  • Africa Report on Internal Displacement - 2019
International Crisis Group
  • Containing Militancy in West Africa’s Park W - Jan. 2023
Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
World Health Organization


Country Profiles

Amnesty International BBC
Freedom House Human Rights Watch


Updated April 30, 2024