Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC)
The Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) was established in 1981 in all 94 U.S. Attorney's Office by order of the U.S. Attorney General. LECC provides a networking focus for law enforcement agencies committed to the ideal of cooperation and coordination at all levels of state, local, and federal law enforcement.
The LECC is a program whose mission is to facilitate and promote communication, coordination and cooperation among state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies in the Eastern District of Arkansas by providing resources, information, training and technical assistance, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the criminal justice system.
This mission is accomplished in many ways, but the main focus of our LECC program is training. The LECC sponsors low cost or no-cost training seminars addressing various subjects pertinent to law enforcement officials. These seminars are made available to all state, local and federal law enforcement agencies.
Through the Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee quarterly newsletter, information is shared with local, state, and federal law enforcement.
LECC Membership: You are considered to be a member of the LECC general membership if you are a law enforcement officer or prosecutor of any state, local, or federal law enforcement agency. As a member of the LECC, your responsibilities are to practice cooperation and coordination as best you can; participate in LECC activities; make suggestions for good training; and, above all, help your fellow law enforcement officer.
Ms. Paulette Chappelle serves as the Law Enforcement Coordinator Specialist for the Eastern District of Arkansas.
Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) Resources
Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) News
For a copy of the latest LECC newsletter, please email Ms. Paulette Chappelle, Law Enforcement Coordinator Specialist.
Information regarding training conferences will be announced once the location and date for training is confirmed. If you have specific training requests, please email Ms. Paulette Chappelle, Law Enforcement Coordinator Specialist.
USDOJ, Office of Justice Programs Law Enforcement Technical Assistance and Training
The Bureau of Justice Assistance Training & Technical Assistance.
DOJ, BJA, State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training
Request for speakers or presentations, questions, or comments may be addressed to:
Ms. Paulette Chappelle
Law Enforcement Coordinator Specialist | Public Information Officer
United States Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Arkansas
425 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 500
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Telephone: (501) 340-2677 (direct dial)
Cell Phone: (501) 366-3080
Email: Paulette Chappelle